
刘洋 李展 张亚栋 陈力 方秦

刘洋, 李展, 张亚栋, 陈力, 方秦. 基于FLACS的某城市燃气储配站气云爆炸安全评估[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(1): 015201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200595
引用本文: 刘洋, 李展, 张亚栋, 陈力, 方秦. 基于FLACS的某城市燃气储配站气云爆炸安全评估[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(1): 015201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200595
LIU Yang, LI Zhan, ZHANG Yadong, CHEN Li, FANG Qin. Safety Evaluation of Gas Cloud Explosions in an Urban Distribution Stations Based on FLACS[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(1): 015201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200595
Citation: LIU Yang, LI Zhan, ZHANG Yadong, CHEN Li, FANG Qin. Safety Evaluation of Gas Cloud Explosions in an Urban Distribution Stations Based on FLACS[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(1): 015201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200595


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200595
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52008392);江苏省自然科学基金(BK20190571)

    刘 洋(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事燃气爆炸灾害效应研究. E-mail:20145035@cqu.edu.cn


    李 展(1990-),男,博士,讲师,主要从事燃气爆炸灾害效应研究. E-mail:lz.9008@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O381; X932

Safety Evaluation of Gas Cloud Explosions in an Urban Distribution Stations Based on FLACS

  • 摘要: 随着城市的发展,位于城市边缘的燃气储配站逐渐转移到了城市中心,而储配站存在燃气泄漏爆炸的可能,给城市公共安全带来潜在的风险。基于GIS技术建立了南京某燃气储配站所在区域的几何模型,导入FLACS软件进行甲烷气云爆炸数值模拟,研究了储配站气云爆炸发展过程与荷载分布规律,讨论了气云大小、点火位置以及气云位置对爆炸超压的影响,最后根据模拟结果划出爆炸损伤范围。结果表明:将GIS技术应用于FLACS模型建立可以大大缩短建模时间并提高模型精度;当气云尺寸不小于60 m且点火位置存在明显约束或障碍时,点火后可能产生爆燃;气云位于储罐西南侧时将造成大范围的人员轻伤和建筑物轻微损坏,并造成一定范围的人员重伤和建筑物的严重损坏;为避免气云爆炸产生严重后果,储配站附近应尽量减少高大密集的建筑群。


  • 图  储配站周围重要建筑物分布

    Figure  1.  Important buildings around the gas distribution station

    图  储配站区域航拍图与几何模型

    Figure  2.  Aerial photograph and geometric model of gas distribution station area

    图  储配站数值模型

    Figure  3.  Numerical model of gas distribution station area

    图  压力测点分布

    Figure  4.  Positions of pressure gauges

    图  不同气云尺寸(工况1~工况3)

    Figure  5.  Different sizes of gas clouds (Case 1−Case 3)

    图  不同气云位置(工况1,工况6~工况8)

    Figure  6.  Different locations of gas clouds (Case 1, Case 6−Case 8)

    图  超压时程曲线(工况1)

    Figure  7.  Overpressure-time histories of Case 1

    图  气云爆炸火焰形状(工况1)

    Figure  8.  Flame shapes of gas explosion (Case 1)

    图  工况1最大超压分布云图(3~25 kPa)

    Figure  9.  Contour of maximum overpressure for Case 1 (3−25kPa)

    图  10  测点P2超压时程曲线(工况1~工况3)

    Figure  10.  Overpressure-time histories of pressure sensor P2 (Case 1−Case 3)

    图  11  最大超压时刻气云爆炸火焰形状(工况1~工况3)

    Figure  11.  Flame shapes of gas explosion (Case 1−Case 3)

    图  12  测点P2超压时程曲线(工况1,工况4~工况7)

    Figure  12.  Pressure-time curves of pressure sensor P2 (Case 1, Case 4−Case 7)

    图  13  气云爆炸火焰形状(工况4)

    Figure  13.  Characteristics of the flame shape of gas explosion (Case 4)

    图  14  气云爆炸火焰形状(工况5和工况6)

    Figure  14.  Characteristics of the flame shape of gas explosion (Case 5 and Case 6)

    图  15  气云爆炸火焰形状(工况7)

    Figure  15.  Characteristics of the flame shape of gas explosion (Case 7)

    图  16  最大超压分布云图(工况1,工况8~工况10)

    Figure  16.  Contours of maximum overpressure distribution (Case 1, Case 8−Case 10)

    图  17  人员轻伤范围 (20~40 kPa)

    Figure  17.  Range of minor wound (20−40 kPa)

    图  18  人员中伤和重伤范围

    Figure  18.  Range of secondary wound and severe wound

    图  19  建筑物轻微损坏范围 (3~10 kPa)

    Figure  19.  Ranges of building minor damage (3−10kPa)

    图  20  建筑物轻度损坏范围 (10~30 kPa)

    Figure  20.  Ranges of building mild damage(10−30 kPa)

    图  21  建筑物中度和严重损坏范围

    Figure  21.  Ranges of secondary damage and badly damage

    表  1  压力测点布局

    Table  1.   Positions of pressure sensors

    Serial number of pressure sensorsBuildingsDescriptions
    P1, P2Office buildingImportant high-rise building
    P3Residential buildingImportant high-rise building
    P4Children’s hallImportant building
    P5Nursery schoolImportant building
    P6Shopping mallPotential crowded area
    P7Gas stationImportant building
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    表  2  气云爆炸模拟工况

    Table  2.   Cases considered in the numerical simulations

    Case No.Gas cloud sizeIgnition locationGas cloud location
    190 m × 90 m × 90 mCenter of bottom areaClose to the gasholder
    260 m × 60 m × 60 mCenter of bottom areaClose to the gasholder
    330 m × 30 m × 30 mCenter of bottom areaClose to the gasholder
    490 m × 90 m × 90 mCenter of gas cloudClose to the gasholder
    590 m × 90 m × 90 mSouthwest corner of bottom areaClose to the gasholder
    690 m × 90 m × 90 mSoutheast corner of bottom areaClose to the gasholder
    790 m × 90 m × 90 mNortheast corner of bottom areaClose to the gasholder
    890 m × 90 m × 90 mCenter of bottom areaNorthwest side
    990 m × 90 m × 90 mCenter of bottom areaWest side
    1090 m × 90 m × 90 mCenter of bottom areaSouthwest side
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    表  3  爆炸超压对人员和建筑物的伤害[46]

    Table  3.   Damage level of personnel and buildings under explosion overpressure[46]

    Damage level of personnelOverpressure/kPaDamage level of buildingsOverpressure/kPa
    Safe < 20Minor damage3−10
    Minor wound20−40Mild damage10−30
    Secondary wound30−50Secondary damage30−50
    Severe wound50−100Badly damaged50−80
    Death > 100Completely damaged > 80
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  • 文章访问数:  4778
  • HTML全文浏览量:  1978
  • PDF下载量:  47
  • 收稿日期:  2020-07-22
  • 修回日期:  2020-08-11


