Ultra-High Pressure Die with Carbon Fiber Ring
摘要: 介绍了一种使用钢环和碳纤维复合材料环共同预紧方式的两面顶超高压模具,该结构在全钢环两面顶模具的基础上,使用一层碳纤维复合材料环代替最外层钢环,得到了一种具有碳纤维复合材料环的超高压模具。这种设计避免了大直径钢环难以制造加工的问题,形成一种以钢环与复合材料环共同对压缸预紧的新型预紧方式。数值分析表明:该模具结构设计具有可行性,可以在一定程度上减小压缸的周向应力、最大剪切应力和等效应力。此外,对碳纤维复合材料环进行了失效判别。Abstract: Our work introduces a double-sided top ultra-high pressure die with a steel ring and a carbon fiber composite ring preloading together. Compared with the double-sided top die of the full steel ring, a layer of carbon fiber composite material ring instead of the outermost steel ring is used in this new structure, which overcomes the challenges of manufacturing and processing large-diameter steel rings and makes a new mutual pre-tightening method, in which steel rings and composite material rings are used to pre-tighten the cylinder. Based on the numerical analysis, the mold structure is proved feasible, and it is further indicated that this structure can reduce the circumferential stress, maximum shear stress and equivalent stress of the cylinder to a certain extent. In addition, the failure of the carbon fiber composite ring is also identified in this work.
Key words:
- composite material ring /
- ultra-high pressure die /
- pre-tighten /
- failure identification
Material $\,\rho{_{_0} }$/(g·cm−3) E/GPa $\,\mu $ Failure strength/GPa ${\sigma _{\rm{c}}}$/GPa YG8 14.60 578 0.22 6.2 3.25 45CrNiMoVA 7.83 210 0.29 1.6 0.80 Ex/GPa Ey/GPa Ez/GPa $\,\mu $xy $\,\mu $yz $\,\mu $xz 231.4 13.2 13.2 0.28 0.25 0.28 Gxy/GPa Gyz/GPa Gxz/GPa ft,x/MPa ft,y/MPa ft,z/MPa 9.17 5.00 9.17 1731.0 66.5 66.5 fc,x/MPa fc,y/MPa fc,z/MPa $\,\sigma $c,xy/MPa $\sigma $c,yz/MPa $\sigma $c,xz/MPa −1379.0 −268.2 −268.2 133.8 100.0 133.8 -
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