Damage Boundary of Crystal Oscillator under Shock Environment
摘要: 贴片式石英晶体振荡器广泛应用于各类电子和通信设备系统中。针对晶振在冲击环境中容易出现结构破坏而导致系统工作异常的问题,通过分析单自由度系统在不同频率冲击载荷作用下的响应特点,建立了结构的应力响应水平与相关冲击响应谱谱值之间的联系,获得了较已有结论更合理的损伤边界形式。根据典型晶振结构易损组件的力学特性建立对应的简化分析模型,得到了贴片晶振在大频率范围内的结构损伤边界。利用有限元仿真软件,对晶振结构在0.5~30 kHz频率范围内冲击载荷下的响应进行仿真分析,验证了该损伤边界的有效性。这也为以贴片晶振为代表的微小元器件在冲击环境下的可靠性研究提供了一种可行的方法。Abstract: The surface mounted devices (SMD) crystal oscillator is widely used in various electrical and communication equipment or systems. The crystal oscillator is prone to structural damage under shock environment, which may results in abnormal operation of the system. The relationship between the level of structural stress response and the value of related shock response spectrum (SRS) is established and a more reasonable damage boundary form is obtained by analyzing the response characteristics of the single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system under shock loads with different frequencies. Based on the mechanical characteristics of the vulnerable component of a typical crystal oscillator, the corresponding simplified analytical model is established, and its structural damage boundary in a large frequency range is obtained. The finite element simulation software is used to simulate the response of crystal oscillator structure under shock loads within the frequency range of 0.5–30 kHz to verify the effectiveness of the structural damage boundary. This paper also provides a feasible method for the reliability study of various micro-components represented by SMD crystal oscillator under shock environment.
表 1 模型尺寸
Table 1. Geometrical dimensions of the model
Structure module Length/mm Width/mm Height/mm Structure module Length/mm Width/mm Height/mm Crystal plate 5.0 3.2 0.08 Pad 1.4 1.1 0.05 Conductive adhesive 0.4 0.4 0.20 Lid 6.0 4.0 0.10 Electrode 2.0 1.5 0.02 Circuit block 1 4.0 2.2 0.30 Packaging base 7.0 5.0 1.80 Circuit block 2 0.3 1.2 0.50 表 2 有限元模型中的材料参数
Table 2. Material parameters in finite element model
Module Material Elastic modulus/GPa Density/(g·cm−3) Poisson’s ratio Tensile strength/MPa Crystal plate Quartz [Cpq][21] 2.65 40 Integrated circuit Silicon 13.0 2.33 0.28 Electrode Silver 73.2 10.53 0.38 Packaging base Phenolic resin 2.0–2.9 1.25–1.30 0.35–0.38 Lid Packfong 100.8 8.70 0.37 Conductive adhesive Epoxy polymer 2.9 2.52 0.34 Pad SnAgCu solder 41.6 8.74 0.40 表 3 晶片的各阶模态频率
Table 3. Modal frequencies of the crystal plate
frequency/kHzEffective mass in
normal direction/kgP Modal
frequency/kHzEffective mass in
normal direction/kgP 1 2.585 3.26288 × 10−6 1.00000 9 73.438 1.13510 × 10−8 0.00348 2 12.479 7.97027 × 10−9 0.00244 10 89.044 4.91526 × 10−8 0.01506 3 16.898 8.92118 × 10−7 0.27341 11 106.386 3.74328 × 10−9 0.00115 4 36.781 1.54332 × 10−8 0.00473 12 114.336 1.38521 × 10−10 0.00004 5 42.546 3.24468 × 10−7 0.09944 13 120.211 2.83863 × 10−9 0.00087 6 56.597 4.45802 × 10−11 0.00001 14 127.139 2.82303 × 10−8 0.00865 7 61.552 5.64709 × 10−9 0.00173 15 145.952 2.23781 × 10−10 0.00007 8 69.982 1.17592 × 10−7 0.03604 -
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