
王海任 李世强 刘志芳 雷建银 李志强 王志华

王海任, 李世强, 刘志芳, 雷建银, 李志强, 王志华. 王莲仿生梯度蜂窝的面外压缩行为[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(6): 064204. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200562
引用本文: 王海任, 李世强, 刘志芳, 雷建银, 李志强, 王志华. 王莲仿生梯度蜂窝的面外压缩行为[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(6): 064204. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200562
WANG Hairen, LI Shiqiang, LIU Zhifang, LEI Jianyin, LI Zhiqiang, WANG Zhihua. Out-of-Plane Compression Performance of Gradient Honeycomb Inspired by Royal Water Lily[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(6): 064204. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200562
Citation: WANG Hairen, LI Shiqiang, LIU Zhifang, LEI Jianyin, LI Zhiqiang, WANG Zhihua. Out-of-Plane Compression Performance of Gradient Honeycomb Inspired by Royal Water Lily[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(6): 064204. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200562


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200562
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11772216,11772215,11902215)

    王海任(1988-),男,博士研究生,主要从事冲击动力学研究. E-mail:wanghairen0125@link.tyut.edu.cn


    王志华(1977-),男,博士,教授,主要从事冲击动力学研究. E-mail:wangzh@tyut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O347

Out-of-Plane Compression Performance of Gradient Honeycomb Inspired by Royal Water Lily

  • 摘要: 利用ABAQUS有限元软件对仿王莲脉络分层梯度蜂窝进行准静态与动态压缩数值模拟,分析了其准静态压缩平台应力与相对密度,以及动态压缩强度与相对密度、冲击速度之间的关系。结果表明:当冲击速度较低时(10 m/s),芯层呈现渐进压溃模式;在高速冲击下(200 m/s),芯层压溃模式与梯度分布方式密切相关,初始为渐进压溃模式,当冲击波传播至远端时,各层的压溃和密实化取决于其静态压缩强度,密实化依次出现在压缩强度较低的芯层。


  • 图  仿生蜂窝设计策略: (a)王莲叶脉, (b)王莲叶脉简化模型,(c)梯度蜂窝压缩模型

    Figure  1.  Bionic honeycomb design: (a) natural Royal Water Lily vein structure, (b) a simplified model of natural Royal Water Lily vein, (c) compression model of gradient honeycomb

    图  面外压缩模型

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of out-of-plane compression model

    图  相对密度为2%的均匀仿生蜂窝的能量验证: (a) 准静态压缩, (b) 250 m/s动态压缩

    Figure  3.  Energy verification of uniform bionic honeycomb with relative density 2%: (a) quasi-static compression, (b) 250 m/s dynamic compression

    图  均匀仿生蜂窝准静态压缩曲线与能量吸收效率

    Figure  4.  Quasi-static compression curve and energy absorption efficiency of uniform bionic honeycomb

    图  不同相对密度均匀仿生蜂窝准静态压缩曲线

    Figure  5.  Quasi-static compression curves of bionic honeycomb with different relative densities

    图  不同相对密度的m值与准静态压缩强度

    Figure  6.  m and quasi-static compressive strengths of different relative densities

    图  动态参数A的拟合曲线

    Figure  7.  Fitting curves of dynamic parameter A

    图  均匀仿生蜂窝动态压缩强度理论值与模拟值对比:(a)相对密度4%,(b)相对密度8%

    Figure  8.  Comparison between theoretical calculations and simulation values of dynamic compressive strengths ofuniform bionic honeycomb: (a) relative density 4%, (b) relative density 8%

    图  面外梯度仿生蜂窝在不同冲击速度下的压缩强度曲线与能量吸收效率曲线

    Figure  9.  Compressive strength curves and energy absorption efficiency curves of out-of-plane gradient bionic honeycombs under different impact velocities

    表  1  6060T4铝合金材料参数

    Table  1.   Material parameters of 6060T4 aluminum alloy

    $\,\rho $/(kg·m−3)E/GPa$\,\mu $$\,\sigma $cY/GPaEtan/GPa
    2 700700.30.080.07
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    表  2  模型类型与相关参数

    Table  2.   Model and related parameters

    ModelWall thicknesses of C2 layer/mm Relative density of out-of-plane/%
    Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5C1C2C3
    Case 10.1900.1800.1750.1500.120258
    Case 20.1900.1800.1750.1500.120852
    下载: 导出CSV
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