Dynamic Response of the Polyetherimide Sabot of a Long Rod Projectile under Bore Pressure Load
摘要: 建立了长杆弹的动力学计算模型,弹托采用新型玻璃纤维增强聚醚酰亚胺复合材料,利用LS-DYNA软件模拟了长杆弹在轻气炮膛压载荷下的运动过程,分析了复合材料弹托的动力学响应规律,并对弹托结构进行了改进。结果表明:最大膛压时弹托各处应力达到最大,高应力区分布在弹托尾部外围附近及后齿齿根上,齿根、齿顶应力大小不同;弹托头部强度裕度较大,通过改进弹托结构,在满足发射强度的同时,弹托质量减少了16 g,弹丸初速提高了612.2 m/s。Abstract: A dynamic calculation model for launching a long rod projectile was established in this paper, where the sabot used a new type of glass fiber reinforced polyetherimide composite material, and then the dynamic deformation of the sabot under the light gas gun pressure load was analyzed by the LS-DYNA software. The results show that the maximum stress inside the sabot occurs at the maximum bore pressure. The high stress area is distributed on the outer periphery and the root tooth of the sabot tail. The stresses at the tooth root and tooth tip are different with the overplus of material strength at the sabot head. By improving the structure of the sabot, the mass of the sabot is reduced by 16 g with the extra velocity gain of 612.2 m/s at given launching pressure.
Key words:
- composite material sabot /
- dynamic model /
- dynamic response /
- structural optimization
表 1 塑性随动硬化模型材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters in plastic-kinematic strength model
Material $\;\rho $0/(g∙cm–3) Ep/GPa $\;\mu $ Y/GPa $\varepsilon $eff 40CrNiMo 7.86 207.0 0.30 0.920 0.9 PEI GF30 1.51 9.5 0.33 0.185 0.6 -
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