
徐瑞 智小琦 范兴华

徐瑞, 智小琦, 范兴华. 叠合双层靶抗球形破片的侵彻能耗[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(6): 065103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200551
引用本文: 徐瑞, 智小琦, 范兴华. 叠合双层靶抗球形破片的侵彻能耗[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(6): 065103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200551
XU Rui, ZHI Xiaoqi, FAN Xinghua. Energy Consumption of Composite Double-Layer Targets against Spherical Fragment Penetration[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(6): 065103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200551
Citation: XU Rui, ZHI Xiaoqi, FAN Xinghua. Energy Consumption of Composite Double-Layer Targets against Spherical Fragment Penetration[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(6): 065103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200551


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200551

    徐 瑞(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事战斗部毁伤技术研究. E-mail:2473077009@qq.com



  • 中图分类号: O385

Energy Consumption of Composite Double-Layer Targets against Spherical Fragment Penetration

  • 摘要: 为了研究影响叠合双层靶抗弹性能的因素,在靶板总厚度为7.2 mm的条件下,采用直径为9.5 mm、质量为8.05 g的钨合金球形破片侵彻单层和不同组合方式的叠合双层Q235钢靶板。弹道极限试验结果表明:(3.6 + 3.6) mm靶板最高,(5.4 + 1.8) mm靶板次之,(1.8 + 5.4) mm靶板最低,单层7.2 mm靶板与(5.4 + 1.8) mm叠合靶基本相同。研究发现,叠合靶排列方式不同,则其破坏模式与耗能模式不同。当双层靶板均产生冲塞破坏时,压缩耗能和凹陷耗能是影响靶板抗弹性能的主要因素;当前靶板为冲塞破坏、后靶板为扩孔破坏时,凹陷耗能是影响靶板抗弹性能的主要因素。通过对多种组合靶的能耗计算表明,(3.6 + 3.6) mm的排列是本研究条件下的最优组合。这些研究结果对防护装置的设计有重要的参考价值。


  • 图  试验装置示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of test equipment

    图  破片与尼龙弹托实物

    Figure  2.  Pictures of fragment and nylon sabot

    图  双层靶板剖面

    Figure  3.  Profiles of double-layer targets

    图  不同靶板的靶前和靶后状态

    Figure  4.  Front and back states of different targets

    图  不同速度下靶板变形程度对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of targets deformation at different speeds

    图  回收破片与塞块

    Figure  6.  Recycle fragment and plugs

    图  薄板扩孔示意图

    Figure  7.  Schematic diagram of ductile failure

    图  靶板塑性凹陷示意图

    Figure  8.  Schematic of plastic deformation

    图  不同排列方式下着靶速度与凹陷变形程度的关系

    Figure  9.  Relationship between the hit speed and pitting deformation of targets in different arrangements

    图  10  不同厚度后靶板的变形程度

    Figure  10.  Deformation of targets with different thicknessees

    图  11  不同排列方式的总耗能

    Figure  11.  Total energy consumption in different arrangements

    表  1  钨球侵彻7.2 mm和(3.6 + 3.6) mm Q235钢靶试验数据

    Table  1.   Test data of 7.2 mm and (3.6 + 3.6) mm Q235 steel penetrated by tungsten alloy fragments

    1-17.2837.0558.9Pennetration2-13.6 + 3.6652.5395.5Pennetration
    1-27.2787.3504.9Pennetration2-23.6 + 3.6631.4344.1Pennetration
    1-37.2718.5413.3Pennetration2-33.6 + 3.6619.0310.8Pennetration
    1-47.2653.5287.0Pennetration2-43.6 + 3.6604.0266.2Pennetration
    1-57.2570.1240.5Pennetration2-53.6 + 3.6579.2172.3Pennetration
    1-67.2552.5152.4Pennetration2-63.6 + 3.6565.1 94.6Pennetration
    1-77.2532.5 79.5Pennetration2-73.6 + 3.6561.8 62.1Pennetration
    1-87.2494.3No pennetration2-83.6 + 3.6532.7No pennetration
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    表  2  钨球侵彻(5.4 + 1.8) mm和(1.8 + 5.4) mm Q235钢靶试验数据

    Table  2.   Test data of (5.4 + 1.8) mm and (1.8 + 5.4) mm Q235 steel penetrated by tungsten alloy fragments

    3-15.4 + 1.8601.9301.2Pennetration4-11.8 + 5.4602.5269.1Pennetration
    3-25.4 + 1.8577.6216.0Pennetration4-21.8 + 5.4555.7181.3Pennetration
    3-35.4 + 1.8553.4189.5Pennetration4-31.8 + 5.4526.3133.1Pennetration
    3-45.4 + 1.8542.6150.0Pennetration4-41.8 + 5.4507.7106.6Pennetration
    3-55.4 + 1.8529.3 86.5Pennetration4-51.8 + 5.4503.9 74.2Pennetration
    3-65.4 + 1.8524.3 50.1Pennetration4-61.8 + 5.4499.5 53.4Pennetration
    3-75.4 + 1.8472.3No pennetration
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    表  3  不同排列方式靶板着靶速度与后靶板凹陷变形的关系

    Table  3.   Relationship between the hit speed and pitting deformation of the targets in different arrangements

    (h1 + h2)/mmv/(m·s–1)d/mm(h1 + h2)/mmv/(m·s–1)d/mm(h1 + h2)/mmv/(m·s–1)d/mm
    5.4 + 1.8601.9 7.471.8 + 5.4602.57.033.6 + 3.6652.510.09
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    表  4  试验用的破片和靶板材料参数[20-22]

    Table  4.   Material parameters of fragment and target used in the test[20-22]

    Material$\;\rho $/(g·cm–3)E/GPac/(m·s–1)$\sigma $y/MPaDP
    Tungsten alloy17.904174831
    Q235 steel 7.852145221320.5305.82.7515
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    表  5  试验结果和计算结果比较

    Table  5.   Comparison of the test and calculation results

    5.4 + 1.8336.2269.654.4386.31046.51095.9–4.5
    1.8 + 5.4435.7296.2209.4 941.3 984.6–4.4
    3.6 + 3.6564.4244.1439.71249.21259.5–0.8
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    表  6  试验结果和计算结果比较

    Table  6.   Comparison of the test and calculation results

    (h1+h2)/mmv50/(m·s–1)$\delta $/%
    5.4 + 1.8509.9521.8–2.3
    1.8 + 5.4483.6494.6–2.2
    3.6 + 3.6557.1559.4–0.4
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    表  7  不同排列方式的靶板耗能

    Table  7.   Targets energy dissipation in different arrangement

    1.0 + 6.2289.8 360.2145.6 895.6
    1.4 + 5.8398.8325.1195.7 919.6
    1.8 + 5.4435.7 296.2 209.4 941.3
    2.0 + 5.2447.9 283.4 238.7 970.0
    3.0 + 4.2462.8 247.9 378.51089.2
    3.2 + 4.0473.6 247.1 397.61118.3
    3.4 + 3.8488.4244.8436.61169.8
    3.6 + 3.6564.4244.1439.71249.2
    3.8 + 3.4493.4244.8 432.41170.6
    4.0 + 3.2487.2 247.1 419.91154.2
    4.2 + 3.0480.3250.8 405.01136.1
    5.2 + 2.0341.7 249.8 60.4409.01060.9
    5.4 + 1.8336.2269.6 54.4 386.31046.5
    5.8 + 1.4339.5 310.742.3 341.31033.8
    6.2 + 1.0318.0 355.130.2 272.2 975.5
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