3D Mesoscopic Simulation of Shock Compression Behaviors of Reactive Materials
摘要: 为研究反应材料的细观冲击响应行为,采用细观数值模拟方法对Al/PTFE(铝/聚四氟乙烯)与Al/Ni反应材料的冲击压缩行为进行了分析研究。采用球磨混合和静压方法,制备了两种反应材料试样,并使用纳米CT设备获得了材料的细观图像,借助图像处理和网格映射方法,建立了基于材料真实细观结构的三维有限元模型,计算获得的冲击Hugoniot关系与理论结果吻合较好。细观数值模拟结果表明:反应材料的冲击波阵面在细观尺度内呈不平整状态,颗粒相在冲击波作用下主要表现为沿冲击压缩方向的体积压缩和运动;在较高撞击速度下,Al/PTFE反应材料的PTFE基体将发生熔化,而Al/Ni反应材料在本研究范围内保持固态。Abstract: In order to investigate the mesoscopic behavior of Al/PTFE reactive materials under shock loading, the shock response of Al/PTFE and Al/Ni reactive materials were investigated via numerical approaches. Two material samples were fabricated by ball mill mixing and cold isostatic pressing, and a Nano-CT system was employed to obtain their mesoscopic images. The 3D mesoscopic finite-element model based on the real configuration was established with the help of image processing and mesh mapping methods, and the numerical Hugoniot results agreed well with the theoretical results. The numerical modeling results indicated that the shock wave is uneven in the mesoscale, and the metal granules were compressed and moved along the impact direction. The PTFE matrix of Al/PTFE melted at high impact velocity, while the Al/Ni remained solid within the impact velocity range of this study.
Key words:
- reactive materials /
- mesoscopic model /
- shock temperature rise /
- image processing
表 1 研究所用原材料及规格
Table 1. Details of the materials used in this research
Materials Sizes/meshes Manufacturers Al 100−200 Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China Ni 150−200 Aladdin PTFE 500 Shandong Fluorine Chemical Co., Ltd., Shandong, China Materials A/MPa B/MPa C m n Tm /K Al 265 426 0.015 1.000 0.34 775 PTFE 11 44 0.120 1.000 1.00 350 Ni 163 648 0.330 0.006 1.44 1728 -
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