Experimental Study on Shock-Ramp Wave Profiles in RDX Single Crystal Explosive
摘要: 基于磁驱动加载装置CQ-4,完成了冲击-斜波复杂加载实验设计,开展了RDX单晶(210)、(100)两个晶向在不同加载压力下的冲击-斜波压缩实验,获得了RDX单晶样品与LiF窗口界面的速度历史曲线和纵波声速。实验结果显示:速度波剖面可分为冲击压缩、斜波压缩和卸载3部分;当冲击压力较高时,冲击压缩段中不再出现弹塑性转变以及4 GPa附近相变的速度特征波形;当冲击压力较低时,在冲击压缩段观测到了弹-黏塑性波形。Abstract: The shock-ramp wave loading experiment is fulfilled using pulsed power generator CQ-4. For RDX single crystal samples with the orientations of (210) and (100), the interfacial velocity profiles between the RDX sample and LiF window are obtained by photonic Doppler velocimetry (PDV). The experimental results show that the interfacial velocity profile is divided into three parts: shock compression, ramp wave compression and unloading waves. At the shock pressure of 4 GPa, an elastic-viscoplastic waveform is observed. When the shock pressure is as high as 7 GPa, the characteristic waveform corresponding to the elastic-plastic transition disappears in the measured wave profile.
Key words:
- RDX crystal /
- shock-ramp loading /
- elastic-plastic transition /
- ramp wave compression
表 1 实验条件
Table 1. Experimental conditions
Exp. No. Sample 1-LiF Sample 2-LiF Lattice orientation
of RDXU0/kV H0/mm ds/mm Size of LiF/
(mm × mm)ds/mm Size of LiF/
(mm × mm)Shot 1 1.101 $\varnothing $10.0 × 4.035 1.040 $\varnothing $10.0 × 4.157 (100) 60 0.85 Shot 2 1.295 $\varnothing $10.0 × 4.042 1.208 $\varnothing $10.0 × 4.204 (100) 60 0.35 Shot 3 1.104 $\varnothing $10.0 × 4.075 (100) 50 0.17 Shot 4 1.311 $\varnothing $10.0 × 3.985 (210) 50 0.16 -
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