Advances and Application of Dislocation Dynamics in the Mechanics of Extreme Environment
摘要: 作为联系分子动力学和连续介质力学方法的桥梁,离散位错动力学(DDD)方法近些年来取得了诸多进展。其典型代表就是DDD与连续介质有限元方法(FEM)的耦合,使其可以考虑复杂的边界条件及多物理场的耦合作用。首先介绍了DDD方法及其与FEM耦合的典型方法,然后面向高应变率、高温、强辐照几种极端环境,系统阐述了DDD及其耦合方法的发展思路和进展,展示了该方法在揭示微观机理、发展连续化理论模型上的若干成果。Abstract: Discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD) simulation method, as an ideal tool for bridging the gap in space and time scales between atomistic and continuum models, has made great progress in the past few decades. One prominent example is the coupling between DDD and finite element method (FEM), which leads to the capability of DDD to investigate the problems with complicated boundary conditions and multi-physics coupling effect. This work firstly reviewed the development of DDD method, and the coupling algorithm between DDD and FEM. Then, the advances and application of these methods in disclosing the microscopic mechanisms and developing the continuum models are reviewed under the extreme environment of high strain rate, high temperature, and irradiation.
Key words:
- discrete dislocation dynamics /
- high strain rate /
- high temperature /
- high pressure /
- irradiation
图 6 (a)冲击方向应力衰减,(b)不同加载率下加载时间为75 ps 时的位错微结构演化,(c)位错密度随时间的演化,(d)应变率为1010 s−1 时不可动位错和湮灭位错[54]
Figure 6. (a) stress attenuation in the direction of shock loading, (b) evolution of dislocation microstructure at 75 ps under different loading rates , (c) evolution of dislocation density, (d) immobile and annihilated dislocations under strain rate of 1010 s−1[54]
图 11 位错与辐照缺陷相互作用示例:(a) 在受辐照的FCC 晶体中位错被层错四边形(SFT)截获,(b) 在受辐照的BCC 晶体中位错与间隙位错环反应生成位错锁(不同颜色代表不同的柏氏矢量)[16, 91]
Figure 11. Interaction between dislocation and irradiation defects: (a) trappiest of dislocation by SFT in irradiated FCC crystal , (b) formation of dislocation lock due to the reaction between dislocation and interstitial loop in irradiated BCC crystal (Different colors represent different burgers vector)[16, 91]
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