Deformation and Destruction of TC4 Titanium Alloy Plate under the Bird Impact
摘要: 为了分析航空用TC4钛合金板材在鸟撞冲击下的动态响应,通过3D-DIC动态变形场测试技术,研究了鸟撞冲击过程中TC4钛合金平板变形场,并基于显式有限元分析软件ABAQUS,建立了鸟撞数值计算模型。将考虑拉压不对称性的修正von Mises屈服准则引入TC4钛合金材料的Johnson-Cook动态本构模型和动态损伤模型中,采用光滑粒子流体动力学方法(SPH)建立了鸟体模型。数值计算和鸟撞实验的对比结果表明,计算应变与实验结果吻合很好,验证了TC4钛合金鸟撞冲击数值分析模型的合理性和可靠性。
- TC4钛合金 /
- 鸟撞 /
- 光滑粒子流体动力学方法 /
- 剪切破坏
Abstract: In order to analyze the dynamic behavior of aerospace TC4 titanium alloy plane under the bird impact, the deformation field of TC4 titanium alloy plate subjected to the bird impact was studied by 3D-DIC dynamic deformation field test technology. Meanwhile, a numerical simulation model was established based on explicit finite element analysis software ABAQUS. In this model the Johnson-Cook dynamic constitutive relations was used to describe the property of TC4 titanium alloy, and the bird model was established with smooth particle method (SPH). Comparing the numerical and experimental results, it is concluded that the calculated strain can match the experimental results well. The rationality and reliability of numerical analysis of the bird impact on the TC4 titanium alloy model are verified.-
Key words:
- TC4 titanium alloy /
- bird impact /
- smoothed particle hydrodynamics method /
- shear failure
表 1 鸟体材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of bird body
Density/(kg·m−3) Elastic modulus/GPa Poisson’s ratio Yield stress/MPa Failure strain Tangent modulus/MPa 928 0.068 0.49 0.69 1.25 5 ρ/(g·cm−3) μ Tm/K A/MPa B/MPa n C m 4.430 0.33 1 878 1060 1090 0.884 0.0117 1.1 E/GPa ${\dot \varepsilon _{{0}}}$/s−1 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 135 4 × 10−4 −0.090 0.270 0.480 0.014 3.870 表 3 TC4钛合金平板鸟撞最大位移
Table 3. Maximum displacement of titanium alloy plate impacted by a bird
Velocity/(m·s−1) Method Maximum displacement/mm S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 149 Sim. 65 51 36 64 55 23 Exp. 68 60 38 63 53 25 167 Sim. 75 60 48 76 65 27 Exp. 80 59 47 76 63 24 180 Sim. 119 101 63 118 103 54 Exp. 117 90 53 103 95 50 -
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