
尹华伟 蒋轲 张料 黄亮 王陈凌

尹华伟, 蒋轲, 张料, 黄亮, 王陈凌. 钢纤维混凝土板在冲击与爆炸荷载下的K&C模型[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(3): 034205. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190853
引用本文: 尹华伟, 蒋轲, 张料, 黄亮, 王陈凌. 钢纤维混凝土板在冲击与爆炸荷载下的K&C模型[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(3): 034205. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190853
YIN Huawei, JIANG Ke, ZHANG Liao, HUANG Liang, WANG Chenling. K&C Model of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Plate under Impact and Blast Load[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(3): 034205. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190853
Citation: YIN Huawei, JIANG Ke, ZHANG Liao, HUANG Liang, WANG Chenling. K&C Model of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Plate under Impact and Blast Load[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(3): 034205. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190853


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190853
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0701405)

    尹华伟(1972-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事爆炸与冲击动力学研究. E-mail: yhwzzy@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O347.3; TU375

K&C Model of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Plate under Impact and Blast Load

  • 摘要: 钢纤维混凝土(Steel fiber reinforced concrete,SFRC)具有优异的延性、韧性及能量吸收能力,被广泛应用于各类防护结构。K&C模型已成为研究普通混凝土构件动力响应的常用材料模型,但仍无法准确表征SFRC的动力特性。为了提高K&C模型在冲击及爆炸荷载作用下预测SFRC板动力响应的能力,对K&C模型进行了改进:基于大量三轴压缩实验数据,建立了新的失效强度面参数模型;采用反复试验法,建立了新的损伤演化模型,并校准了拉、压损伤参数;基于大量高应变率下SFRC的单轴压缩实验数据,建立了新的受压动力增强因子模型。通过LS-DYNA显式有限元动力分析软件模拟了SFRC板的动力响应,模拟结果验证了上述改进的有效性与可靠性。


  • 图  钢纤维体积分数不同时的三轴压缩数据以及式(2)、式(5)的预测值

    Figure  1.  Triaxial compression data of different fiber contents as well as predictions from Eq.(2) and Eq.(5)

    图  改进的失效强度面

    Figure  2.  Modified failure strength surface

    图  损伤演化函数η(λ)的比较

    Figure  3.  Comparisons of damage evolution function η(λ)

    图  单轴压缩试验的应力-应变曲线与K&C模型的预测结果比较

    Figure  4.  Comparisons of experiment at stress-strain curve of UUC test and prediction of K&C models

    图  单轴拉伸试验的应力-应变曲线与K&C模型的预测结果比较

    Figure  5.  Comparisons of experiment at stress-strain curve of UUT test and prediction of K&C models

    图  不同模型得到的CDIF值与实验数据的比较

    Figure  6.  Comparisons of CDIF values obtained from different models and experiments

    图  新模型得到的CDIF值与实验数据的比较

    Figure  7.  Comparisons of CDIF values obtained from new models and experiments

    图  不同模型得到的TDIF比较

    Figure  8.  Comparisons of TDIF values obtained from different models

    图  SFRC靶板在平头弹丸冲击下的有限元模型

    Figure  9.  Finite element model of flat-ended projectile impacting SFRC plate

    图  10  不同撞击速度下SFRC板破坏模式的实验结果[1]与数值模拟结果对比

    Figure  10.  Comparison of the damage patterns of SFRC plate from experimental results[1] and numerical simulation under different impact velocities

    图  11  SFRC板在爆炸荷载作用下的有限元模型

    Figure  11.  Finite element model of SFRC plate under blast load

    图  12  不同纤维体积分数时SFRC板挠曲破坏模式的实验结果[2]与数值预测对比

    Figure  12.  Comparisons of the damage patterns of SFRC plate from simulation predictions and experimental results[2] under different fiber volume fractions

    表  1  改进的钢纤维混凝土K&C模型参数

    Table  1.   Parameters of the modified K&C model of SFRC

    Strength surface
    a0/MPa a1 a2/MPa−1 a0y/MPa a1y a2y/MPa−1 a1f a2f/MPa−1
    64.0 0.481 5.82×10−4 45.93 0.726 1.77×10−3 0.476 8.56×10−4
    Damage Others
    b1 b2 b3 α αc αd λm Lw/mm fc/MPa ft/MPa ρ/(kg·m−3) ν ω
    0.75 −1.50 1.15 3.00 0.381 1.90 9.5×10−5 24 175.3 13.8 2 600 0.19 0.5
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    表  2  平头弹丸的材料参数

    Table  2.   Materials parameters of the flat ended projectile

    7.832107925100.260.0141.031 793294
    1.0 × 10−44.77 × 10−
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    表  3  实验数据与数值模拟结痂弹坑直径比较

    Table  3.   Comparisons of experimental data and numerical simulation of the scabbed crater diameter

    Projectile velocity/(m·s−1)Scabbed crater diameter/mmModel error/%
    ExperimentOriginal K&CModified K&COriginal K&CModified K&C
    58.2120.5132106 9.512.0
    76.0119.214812424.2 4.0
    104.0120.3 2812876.7 6.4
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