Influence of Initial Porosity on Shock Chemical Reaction of Nibium-Silicon Powder Mixture
摘要: 借助二级轻气炮加载平台和飞片撞击技术,在高冲击速度下实现不同初始孔隙率铌硅粉末混合物的冲击回收。对回收产物进行表征分析并探讨高冲击速度下孔隙率对铌硅粉末冲击化学反应的影响,实验结果表明:低孔隙率(10%)铌硅粉末混合物几乎不发生反应;20%孔隙率铌硅粉末发生不完全化学反应并生成了NbSi2;高孔隙率(35%)样品在相同冲击速度(飞片速度约为2.35 km/s)下发生完全反应获得单组分Nb5Si3。在高孔隙率的粉末混合物中,孔隙崩塌产生的高温是导致铌硅粉末反应物发生完全反应的主要原因。Abstract: By employing the two-stage light gas gun and flyer impact technology, the impact recovery experiments of nibium-silicon powder mixtures with different initial porosity at high impact intensity were achieved. The recycled products were characterized to investigate the effect of porosity on the impact chemical reaction of nibium-silicon powder at high impact strength. The results showed that the sample with low porosity (10%) was hardly reacted; When the porosity is 20%, the nibium-silicon powder experienced a partial chemical reaction to form a NbSi2 compound; As the porosity was increased to 35%, a complete reaction has occurred to generate a Nb5Si3 intermetallic compound under the same impact strength (the flyer velocity about 2.35 km/s). Such results have shown that the complete reaction in the powder reactant of high-porosity powder mixture is mainly due to the high temperature generated by the pore collapse.
Key words:
- nibium-silicon powder mixtures /
- high impact velocity /
- shock recovery /
- porosity /
- shock reaction
表 1 不同孔隙度的粉末混合物的冲击回收实验参数
Table 1. Shock loading conditions of Nb-Si powder mixtures with different porosity
Sample Flyer velocity/
pressure/GPaSecond shock
temperature/KNb-Si-P1 5.505 10 45 60 1 173 Nb-Si-P2 2.35 ± 0.02 4.895 20 39 60 1 625 Nb-Si-P3 3.980 35 29 60 2 256 -
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