Detonation and Quenching Characteristics of Premixed C2H4/N2O
摘要: 采用自制的燃爆实验装置对C2H4/N2O预混气体的爆轰性能与火焰淬熄特性进行了实验研究。结果表明:在大直径有机玻璃管中预混气体均经历了爆燃转爆轰过程,点火初期火焰速度及加速度在内径为5、10和15 mm的管道中依次减小;预混气体中加入CO2(2.4%,质量分数)后,火焰加速进程明显延缓,点火初期处于稳定燃烧阶段;预混气体的稳定爆速为2 207 m/s,爆压为3.92 MPa,与理论值一致;常压下预混火焰在小直径不锈钢管中的临界淬熄管径为0.5~0.7 mm,预混气体火焰传播速度越大,管径越大,淬熄越困难。依据淬熄管径、湍流火焰速度和淬熄管道长度的关系,可计算防回火管道的有效长度,从而为防回火装置设计提供参考。Abstract: The detonation and the flame quenching properties of premixed gas C2H4/N2O in the combustion channels were studied experimentally using a self-developed flame propagation experiment. The results show that the premixed gas achieves the transition from deflagration to detonation in all the PMMA channels with the diameters of 5 mm, 10 mm and 15 mm, and the flame speed and acceleration rate decreased gradually with the increase of the channel diameter. 2.4% CO2 (mass fraction) diluent flame undergoes a process of stable combustion at the initial stage. The steady detonation speed and pressure are 2 207 m/s and 3.92 MPa, respectively, which are consistent with the theoretical values. The critical quenching diameter is 0.5–0.7 mm. The higher the propagation speed of the flame, the larger the channel diameter, the more difficult the flame quenching. According to the relationship between quenching diameter, turbulent flame velocity and quenching distance, the length of the flame arresters passageway length is calculated, which provides a reference for designing flashback arresters.
Key words:
- premixed gas /
- detonation velocity /
- overpressure /
- quenching /
- C2H4/N2O
表 1 有机玻璃管道尺寸
Table 1. Geometrical characteristics of PMMA channels
Channel l/mm d/mm l/d V/mL C1, smooth 1 400 5 280 27.5 C2, smooth 1 400 10 140 109.9 C3, smooth 1 400 15 93 247.3 C4, rough 2 000 15 133 112.5 Note: l is the length of the PMMA channel; d is the inner diameter of the PMMA channel; V is the volume of the channel. -
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