Comparative Experiment on Structural Damage of Supersonic Projectiles with Different Metal Materials Penetrating into Reinforced Concrete Targets
摘要: 设计了超声速钻地结构弹,采用203 mm口径的火炮,开展了25 kg量级弹体在1 100~1 300 m/s速度范围内侵彻钢筋混凝土靶的实验研究,应用数值仿真对弹体侵彻钢筋混凝土靶的过程进行了模拟计算。基于实验和仿真结果,对超声速侵彻条件下两种金属材料弹体的结构响应、质量损失等问题进行了分析。结果表明:在超声速侵彻钢筋混凝土靶的过程中,两种金属材料的弹体结构变形破坏形式主要为头部侵蚀和侧壁磨蚀,头部侵蚀量的大小与弹体壳体材料有关,高强度G50钢材料更适合用于1 200 m/s速度量级的超声速侵彻环境。对出现的“径缩”现象作了初步分析,并对今后工程应用的结构弹体设计提出了指导意见。Abstract: A supersonic earth-penetrating projectile is designed where two different metal materials are used for the projectile’s body. Experiments of projectiles with mass of 25 kg and impact velocity ranging from 1 100 m/s to 1 300 m/s are implemented by a cannon with caliber of 203 mm. The process of projectile penetrating into the reinforced concrete target is simulated based on a numerical method. Based on the experimental and simulation results, the projectile’s structural response and mass loss in supersonic condition were investigated. The results show that the two damage modes of projectile with different metal materials in supersonic penetration condition are head eroding and wall friction corrosion. The degree of damage and the head erosion amount are related to the metal materials of projectiles. The G50 metal with high-strength is appropriate to be used for the projectile body in supersonic penetration with impact velocity of 1 200 m/s. The phenomenon of diameter shrinkage is analyzed, and some suggestions are put forward for the design of projectile body structure in future engineering application.
Key words:
- supersonic /
- penetration /
- reinforced concrete target /
- structure damage
表 1 金属材料力学性能
Table 1. Mechanical properties of metal materials
Material ρ/(g·cm–3) σb/MPa σs/MPa KIC/(MPa·m1/2) 30CrMnSiNi2A 7.80 1 690 1 300 86 35CrMnSiA 7.80 1 670 1 310 57 G50 7.76 1 740 1 440 105 30CrMnSiNi2MoVE 7.80 1 640 1 360 112 表 2 实验回收弹体测量结果
Table 2. Measuring results of recycled projectile
No.m/kg L/mm D/mm Mass
loss/%Length change/% Outside diameter change/% Before
exp.1# 20.53 19.16 900 814.6 150 149.2 6.7 10.5 0.54 2# 20.49 19.07 900 824.5 150 149.6 6.9 9.2 0.27 3# 20.51 19.77 900 851.7 150 149.5 3.7 5.7 0.33 4# 20.49 19.73 900 862.4 150 149.3 3.9 4.4 0.47 -
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