Finite Element Calculation of Polycrystalline Shear-Compression Specimens with Static Loading
摘要: 基于晶体塑性理论研究了晶体织构对数值计算结果的影响,建立了带有织构的多晶体压剪试样(SCS)模型。从材料和试样结构两方面研究了静态加载条件下微观晶粒在有限变形过程中对试样宏观力学性能的影响。由于模型几何结构的特殊性,重点对模型斜槽部分的应力、应变及变形特点进行了分析。考虑到试样在压缩过程中受摩擦的影响,数值分析了不同摩擦系数对变形过程的影响,在此基础上计算了相同摩擦系数下不同晶粒数目、不同单元数目以及单元类型对多晶体压剪模型力学性能的影响,并对试件关键部位不同取向晶粒的应力状态进行了分析。Abstract: The effect of crystal texture on the numerical results was studied based on the theory of crystal plasticity, and the polycrystalline compression shear sample (SCS) model with texture was established. The influence of micro-grain on the macroscopic mechanical properties in the process of finite deformation under static loading condition was studied in terms of material and sample structure. Because of the particularity of model geometry, the stress, strain and deformation characteristics of skewed slot were computed. Considering the effect of friction on the specimen during compression, the influence of friction coefficients on the deformation process was analyzed numerically. The influences of grain number, element number and element type on the mechanical properties of polycrystalline compression shear model under the same friction coefficient were calculated. The stress states of grain with different orientations in key parts of the specimen were also studied.
Key words:
- polycrystalline /
- crystal texture /
- crystal plasticity /
- shear-compression /
- friction coefficient
C11/GPa C12/GPa C44/GPa m q ${ { {\dot {\gamma } } }_{{0}}}$/s–1 h0/MPa τ0/MPa τs/MPa 108.200 61.300 28.500 20 1.1 1 96 23.5 54 表 2 不同摩擦系数对应模型的数值结果比较
Table 2. Numerical results of models corresponding to different friction coefficients
Friction coefficient Maximum shear
strainMaximum normal
strainMaximum equivalent
force/N0.025 0.740 −0.331 0.741 8 899.73 0.050 0.697 −0.263 0.625 9 566.97 0.100 0.651 −0.212 0.553 10 001.50 Relative maximum difference 13.7% 56.1% 34.0% 12.4% 表 3 特征晶粒欧拉角
Table 3. Euler angle of characteristic grains
Grain number φ1/(°) $\psi$/(°) φ2/(°) Grain number φ1/(°) $\psi$/(°) φ2/(°) 1 69.24 167.34 8.61 9 334.93 38.19 29.33 2 44.05 92.39 45.56 10 30.45 127.11 356.19 3 356.63 154.92 76.61 11 59.93 105.73 313.11 4 305.74 23.07 333.37 12 88.45 166.05 33.32 5 45.14 101.42 64.90 13 74.86 154.71 302.25 6 282.88 86.40 282.11 14 76.35 51.48 307.37 7 350.37 146.78 286.51 15 79.65 77.10 351.57 8 49.77 3.76 329.80 16 357.28 56.00 72.22 表 4 单元数目不同时模型在不同压缩距离下的载荷及其最大相对偏差
Table 4. Loads of the model with different numbers of elements at different compression distance and their maximum relative differences
Number of elements Load/N 1.0 mm 1.4 mm 1.8 mm 2.5 mm 8 026 −7 790.82 −8 180.42 −8 469.96 −8 726.07 14 604 −7 487.38 −7 824.37 −8 008.19 −8 157.61 23 835 −7 669.64 −8 038.55 −8 270.62 −8 436.06 Maximum relative difference 4.05% 4.55% 5.77% 6.97% -
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