
黄艳萍 崔田

黄艳萍, 崔田. 金刚烷的高压拉曼光谱研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(5): 051101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190832
引用本文: 黄艳萍, 崔田. 金刚烷的高压拉曼光谱研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(5): 051101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190832
HUANG Yanping, CUI Tian. Raman Scattering Investigations of Adamantane under High Pressure[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(5): 051101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190832
Citation: HUANG Yanping, CUI Tian. Raman Scattering Investigations of Adamantane under High Pressure[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(5): 051101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190832


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190832
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51572108, 51632002);教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划(IRT_15R23);国家基础科学人才培养基金(J1103202);高等学校学科创新引智计划(B12011)

    黄艳萍(1987-),女,博士,工程师,主要从事高压合成及物性测量研究. E-mail:huangyp1124@jlu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O521.2

Raman Scattering Investigations of Adamantane under High Pressure

  • 摘要: 对金刚烷(C10H16)进行了常温原位高压拉曼光谱研究,最高压力为25 GPa。通过分析高压拉曼光谱,结合拉曼频移随压力的变化情况,得出在实验压力范围内C10H16发生了多次相变。0.6 GPa时,C10H16由常温常压下的无序相($\alpha$相)转变为有序相($\beta $相);继续加压至1.7 GPa时,第2次结构相变开始,直至3.2 GPa,第2次相变完全结束;第3次相变开始于6.3 GPa,结束于7.7 GPa;22.9 GPa时发生了第4次结构相变。另外,首次在拉曼光谱上探测到第3次相变过程中晶格振动峰的变化,说明第3次相变并非前人报道的等结构相变。


  • 图  常温常压下金刚烷的拉曼谱

    Figure  1.  Raman spectrum collected at ambient conditions

    图  298 K、低于25 GPa压力下C10H16的晶格振动峰及其拉曼频移随压力的变化

    Figure  2.  Lattice vibration modes of solid C10H16 measured to 25 GPa at 298 K (a) and the pressure dependence of the corresponding Raman shift (b)

    图  C10H16的C–H伸缩振动峰(2800~3100 cm–1)(a)及其拉曼频移(b)随压力的变化

    Figure  5.  Representative Raman spectra of C10H16 of C–H stretching modes (a) and the Raman shift versus pressure (b) in the frequency range of 2800–3100 cm–1

    图  C10H16的内模振动峰(1300~1500 cm–1)(a)及其拉曼频移(b)随压力的变化

    Figure  4.  Representative Raman spectra of C10H16 of internal vibrational modes (a) and the Raman shift versus pressure (b) in the frequency range of 1300–1500 cm–1

    图  C10H16的内模振动峰(700~1300 cm–1)(a)及其拉曼频移随压力的变化(b)

    Figure  3.  Representative Raman spectra of C10H16 of internal vibrational modes (a) and the Raman shift versus pressure (b) in the frequency range of 700–1300 cm–1

    表  1  常温常压下金刚烷拉曼振动峰的指认以及与文献的对比

    Table  1.   Assignments and vibrational frequencies (cm–1) of observed Raman modes of C10H16 at ambient condition

    This workRef.[20]Ref.[17]Ref.[16]Assignment
    2941294429432940$\nu _{18}$C–H stretching mode
    2916291729132915$\nu _{17}$C–H stretching mode
    2893289529832894$\nu _{16}$C–H stretching mode
    284728452847$\nu _{15}$C–H stretching mode
    1434143714401435$\nu _{14}$CH2 scissor mode
    13671371$\nu _{13}$CH bending mode
    1225122312251221$\nu _{12}$CH bending mode
    1197$\nu _{11}$
    1193$\nu _{10}$
    109711021097$\nu _{9}$C–H rock mode
    974 972 976 971$\nu _{8}$C–C stretching mode
    950 951$\nu _{7}$C–C stretching mode
    761 760 759 759$\nu _{6}$C–C stretching mode
    640$\nu _{5}$Lattice mode
    441 443 440 442$\nu _{4}$C–C–C deformation mode
    399$\nu _{3}$Lattice mode
    187$\nu _{2}$Lattice mode
    184$\nu _{1}$Lattice mode
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