Influence of Nose Cabin on Low Speed Blunt Projectile during Penetration of Metal Plate
摘要: 为了研究前舱物对低速大质量平头弹侵彻金属薄靶的影响,根据前舱物的力学特性,将前舱物等效为轻质泡沫铝材料,建立了含前舱物的平头弹结构有限元分析模型,开展了不同工况下带前舱物平头弹侵彻金属薄板的数值模拟计算,分析了带前舱物平头弹侵彻金属薄板的过程,对比了带前舱物平头弹和不计前舱物平头弹在不同工况下剩余速度的差异。数值计算结果表明:带前舱物平头弹与不计前舱物平头弹的侵彻过程存在明显差异,但靶板破坏模式相同;前舱物等效材料的屈服强度对平头弹侵彻性能的影响很小,可以忽略不计;前舱物有助于提高平头弹侵彻金属薄板的能力,但提升幅度有限。在实际工程应用中,可以忽略前舱物对平头弹侵彻金属薄板的影响。Abstract: In order to study the effect of nose cabin on projectile low speed and high mass during the penetration of metal plates, a finite element analysis model of blunt projectile with nose cabin was established. Based on the mechanical properties, nose cabin can be regarded as equivalent to light foam aluminum material. Numerical simulation of blunt projectile with nose cabin penetrates into metal plates under different working conditions were implemented. The progress of projectile with nose cabin penetrates into metal plate was analyzed. The difference between residual velocity of blunt projectile with and without nose cabin was compared. The results show that there are significant differences in the progress of projectiles penetration into metal plates between blunt projectiles with and without nose cabin. Nevertheless, the failure modes for both conditions are similar. The yield stress of equivalent material of nose cabin has limited influence on penetrative performance of projectile. In conclusion, nose cabin can bring very limited improvement to the penetration capability of blunt projectile, and the effect of nose cabin can be neglected in practical engineering applications.
表 1 弹体和靶板的J-C模型参表
Table 1. J-C model parameters of projectile body and target
Material ρ/(g·cm–3) E/GPa μ cp/(J·kg–1·K–1) T0/K Tm/K Warhead shell 7.80 205 0.28 400.90 300 1 765 Target plate 7.80 200 0.30 452.00 298 1 881 Material $\dot \varepsilon $/s–1 A/MPa B/MPa n C m Warhead shell 1 760 500 0.53 0.014 1.13 Target plate 1 355 450 0.36 0.022 1.00 表 2 弹塑性硬化模型材料参数
Table 2. Material parameters of the Elastoplastic hardening model
Material ρ/(kg·m–3) E/GPa μ σy/MPa Et/MPa β c/s–1 p fs Charge 1 750 5 0.3 20 300 0 0 0 5 Nose cabin 700 0.5 0.3 0.5–10.0 0 0 0 0 0.4 表 3 不同等效屈服强度下侵彻结果的比较
Table 3. Comparison of penetration results with different yield stress
Equivalent yield strength/MPa Distortion range/mm Residual velocity/(m·s–1) 0.5 2 629.70 325.88 1.0 2 624.41 326.30 2.0 2 629.31 326.37 5.0 2 625.23 326.75 10.0 2 659.20 326.86 -
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