
夏冰寒 王金相 周楠 陈兴旺 卢孚嘉

夏冰寒, 王金相, 周楠, 陈兴旺, 卢孚嘉. 柱状装药预制破片缩比战斗部爆炸冲击波和破片的作用时序[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(1): 015101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190780
引用本文: 夏冰寒, 王金相, 周楠, 陈兴旺, 卢孚嘉. 柱状装药预制破片缩比战斗部爆炸冲击波和破片的作用时序[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(1): 015101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190780
XIA Binghan, WANG Jinxiang, ZHOU Nan, CHEN Xingwang, LU Fujia. Blast Wave and Time Sequence of Prefabricated Fragments for Scaled Warhead with Cylindrical Charge[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(1): 015101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190780
Citation: XIA Binghan, WANG Jinxiang, ZHOU Nan, CHEN Xingwang, LU Fujia. Blast Wave and Time Sequence of Prefabricated Fragments for Scaled Warhead with Cylindrical Charge[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(1): 015101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190780


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190780
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11672138,11602113);江苏省自然科学基金(BK20161055)

    夏冰寒(1995-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事毁伤与防护理论与技术研究.E-mail: 117121011409@njust.edu.cn


    王金相(1978-),男,博士,研究员,主要从事爆炸与冲击动力学研究. E-mail: wjx@njust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: E932.4; O382.1

Blast Wave and Time Sequence of Prefabricated Fragments for Scaled Warhead with Cylindrical Charge

  • 摘要: 针对柱状装药的周向预制破片战斗部,结合无量纲分析方法和爆炸驱动理论,确定了影响破片和冲击波相遇位置的关键参数,给出了由缩比战斗部推广预测原型战斗部爆炸产生的破片冲击波作用时序的方法。采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元软件进行数值模拟,对比验证了理论分析和数值试验结果,分析了战斗部缩比比例对冲击波和破片作用时序的影响。结果表明:缩比模型与原型战斗部爆炸产生的破片和冲击波的相遇位置之比和相遇时间之比主要取决于两模型的质量比,在不考虑破片速度衰减时,两模型中载荷相遇位置之比和相遇时间之比等于其质量比的0.33次方。受破片速度衰减影响,该方法仅适用于质量缩比不小于0.2的模型。


  • 图  战斗部模型示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the warhead model

    图  有限元模型

    Figure  2.  Finite element analysis model

    图  模型2中破片和冲击波的传播

    Figure  3.  Fragmentation and shock wave trajectory in Model 2

    图  模型2中破片和冲击波的传播距离与时间的关系

    Figure  4.  Propagation of blast wave and fragments as a function of time in air in Model 2

    表  1  破片和冲击波相遇距离问题中相关物理量及其单位和量纲

    Table  1.   Parameters and their units and dimensions related to the location of the two encounters

    Chemical energy released per unit mass of explosiveEem2∙s–2L2T–2
    Expansion indexγe1SI
    AirInitial pressurepakg∙m–1∙s–2ML–1T–2
    Initial densityρakg∙m–3ML–3
    Adiabatic indexγa1SI
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    表  2  缩比战斗部尺寸

    Table  2.   Scaled warhead size

    Model r/cm h/cm d/cm me/g mf/gMass shrinkage
    Dimension shrinkage
    11.966 5.0230.126 100 62.920.10.464
    22.476 6.3280.159 200125.830.20.585
    32.835 7.2440.181 300188.750.30.669
    43.120 7.9720.200 400251.670.40.737
    53.93110.0460.252 800503.340.80.928
    64.23710.8220.2711 000629.151.01.000
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    表  3  TNT炸药材料参数及JWL状态方程参数

    Table  3.   Parameters of TNT material and JWL equation of state

    1 6406 93019.46.23093.094.4850.790.301
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    表  4  空气材料参数及状态方程参数

    Table  4.   Equation of state parameters of air

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    表  5  破片材料参数及状态方程参数

    Table  5.   Equation of state parameters of fragments

    ρ/(kg∙m–3)νσ/MPa${\dot\varepsilon } $
    7.830.31 0750.9
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    表  6  理论结果与仿真结果对比

    Table  6.   Comparison of theoretical and simulation results

    ModelMass reduction
    ${\left( {\dfrac{m}{M}} \right)^{0.33}}$Meeting timeMeeting distance
    10.10.4641400.40313.1270.397 14.4
    20.20.5851880.531 9.2360.529 9.5
    30.30.6692290.642 4.0450.651 2.7
    40.40.7372700.763 3.5520.764 3.6
    50.80.9293340.941 1.3640.945 1.7
    61.01.000355 1.000 68 1.000
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