An Overview of Phase Field Approach to Fracture
摘要: 相场断裂方法自21世纪初开始发展以来,一直备受关注,在裂纹扩展模拟方面表现出了一定的特点,取得了一定的研究成果。本文分析了相场断裂方法较其他断裂模拟方法的优势,简单介绍了相场断裂方法的发展现状和发展趋势:目前脆性断裂相场方法已较为成熟,能够模拟诸多脆性断裂中的经典问题,在此基础上正在朝着解决多场耦合情况下的断裂问题发展,且也取得了一定的研究成果。最后,简单介绍了延性断裂相场方法的发展现状,提出在该方向进行深入研究的展望。Abstract: Phase field modeling to fracture has received much attention since the beginning of this century, which exhibits an advantage in fracture propagation simulation. In this work, we compare the phase field approach to fracture with other simulation methods, and show an overview and development of phase field approach to fracture. Up to now, the phase field method has been successfully applied to the brittle fracture and could simulate some classical crack problems. Based on this, the multi-fields problem coupled with the fracture is currently pursued. Furthermore, we introduce the study situation of the phase field simulation to the ductile fracture and put forward its development in the future.
Key words:
- phase field approach to fracture /
- simulation /
- brittle fracture /
- ductile fracture
表 1 裂纹扩展的数值模拟方法对比
Table 1. Comparison of methods in fracture propagation simulation
Methods Type I tensile fracture KW test Experimental result Element deletion
Inter element XFEM Phase field 表 2 扩展有限元及相场方法处理三维及多裂纹的对比
Table 2. Comparison of 3D and multi-fracture simulation of XFEM and phase field approach
Crack XFEM Phase field Level sets Fast marching No need crack tracking 3D crack Multi-crack -
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