Progress of Aluminum Projectile Impacting on Plate with Hypervelocity
摘要: 以空间碎片防护为背景,回顾了超高速铝弹丸正撞击单层和双层铝合金防护结构的研究进展,讨论了目前针对超高速撞击的弹丸发射技术和数值模拟方法(如Euler方法、无网格方法等)的优缺点。数值模拟不仅建立在离散方法上,还需要提供准确的材料本构模型和状态方程。介绍了常用材料模型(包括Johnson-Cook、Steinberg-Guinan模型)和状态方程(包括Tillotson、ANEOS、SESAME、GRAY三相状态方程)。基于实验和数值模拟,目前对7 km/s以下的超高速撞击物理过程已经认识得比较清楚。对单层板,重点讨论了板的穿孔特征和孔径模型;对双层板,除了前板的穿孔外,还讨论了碎片云的分布特征、材料相变、碎片云的相态分布、弹丸形状的影响、碎片云的散布模型以及碎片云对后板造成的破坏特征。最后介绍了工程防护中较为重要的防护结构的弹道极限方程。单层板和双层板的弹道极限方程研究近年来取得了较大进展。本文回顾了国内外常用的弹道极限方程以及近年来新提出的理论模型和基于人工神经网络的模型等。Abstract: This paper focuses on the protection of debris clouds in space and the progress of the studies of Al projectile impacting on single shield and Whipple shields are discussed. The advantages and drawbacks of the widely used experimental method for launching hypervelocity projectile and numerical methods for hypervelocity impact such as Euler methods and meshfree methods are introduced. The numerical simulation is usually based on the constitutive laws and the equation of states. In this paper we have reviewed the constitutive law including Johnson-Cook and Steinberg-Gruinan, while for the equation of states we include the Tillotson, ANEOS, SESAME, GRAY. The mechanics and physics for the hypervelocity impact below 7 km/s are now well understood based on the progresses made by the experiments and numerical simulations. Then, for the single shield we mainly focus on the perforation by the projectile and the models predicting the hole size. For the Whipple shield we have discussed the characteristics of the debris clouds evolution, the phase states of the materials, the models predicting the evolution of the debris clouds and damage features of the second wall of the Whipple structure induced by the debris clouds. Finally we discussed the ballistic limit equations which are very important to the protection in the engineering. Great progresses have been achieved for the ballistic equations for the single and double shields structures based on the experiments and numerical simulations. We have discussed the commonly used ones and the models which are newly developed recently including theoretical models and the models from artificial intelligence.
Key words:
- debris clouds /
- hypervelocity impact /
- ballistic limit equation
图 3 数值模拟[76]和实验[62]对比(v=6.15 km/s,撞击时间分别是8.1
${\text{μ}}{\rm{s}}$ 、23.2${\text{μ}}{\rm{s}}$ ,初始弹丸形状叠加在图中)Figure 3. Comparison of debris from calculation (top)[76] and experiment (bottom)[62] (v=6.15 km/s, time at 8.1
${\text{μ}}{\rm{s}}$ and 23.2${\text{μ}}{\rm{s}}$ , the initial shape of the projectile is also shown in the left picture.)图 7 (a)(b) Mo和Pb弹丸高速撞击碎片云形态对比[169, 171];(c) Pb弹丸数值模拟密度云图[136];(d) MPM数值模拟结果[110];(e) 铝弹丸的数值模拟相态分布[153](红色为气态,绿色为液态,淡蓝色为固态)
Figure 7. (a)(b) Comparison of the debris clouds of Mo and Pb projectiles[169, 171]; (c) density clouds from the simulation of Pb projectile[136]; (d) results from MPM simulation; (e) phase clouds from the simulation of Al projectile[153]( red for gases, green for liquids and cyan for solids)
表 1 实验加载方式和典型克/亚克级发射参数
Table 1. Experimental methods and typical parameters for projectile with mass in gram or sub-gram
Methods Year Material Velocity/(km·s–1) Shape Mass/g Comments and sources Three-stage light gas gun 1993 Al 9.52 Flyer plate 0.78 Sandia National Laboratories[48] 2017 Al 10.1 Flyer plate 0.22 Institute of Fluid Physics[49] Magnetically driven device 2011 Al 45 Flyer plate 0.79 Z accelerator, Sandia National Laboratories[50] 2014 Al 8.7 Flyer plate 0.12 CQ-4, Institute of Fluid Physics[51] 2014 Al 11.5 Flyer plate 0.15 PTS, Institute of Fluid Physics[52] Electric gun 2019 Mylar 10 Flyer plate 0.30 Institute of Fluid Physics ISCL (Inhibited Shaped Charge Launcher) 1995 Al 11.16 Cylinder 1.02 Southwest Research Institute[53] 表 2 铝平面对称碰撞时相变对应的速度和压力
Table 2. The velocity of the Al projectile and the pressure from impacting
changeIncipient melting
due to releaseComplete melting
due to releaseIncipient vaporization
due to releaseComplete vaporization
due to releaseHopkins et al.[169] 2.7 km/s, 65 GPa 3.38 km/s, 89 GPa Anderson et al.[170] 2.85 km/s, 71 GPa 3.45 km/s, 94 GPa 5.2 km/s, 174 GPa Bjork[171] 6.2 km/s, 225 GPa 2700 GPa Shockey et al.[172] 2.6–3.6 km/s 3.3–4.6 km/s 5.5–7.5 km/s 12.5–16.5 km/s Pierazzo et al.[173] 73 GPa 106 GPa 315 GPa Source/Phase
changeIncipient melting
due to shockComplete melting
due to shockTang[153] 125 GPa 160 GPa 表 3 弹丸质量相同、形状不同所得到碎片云的参数
Table 3. The parameters of debris cloud generated by hypervelocity impact of projectiles with the same mass and different shapes
Shape of projectile Dimensions Mass/g Axial length/mm Radical length/mm Sphere $\varnothing $5.02 mm 0.180 89 44.5 40.5 Cylinder $\varnothing $5.02 mm×4.6 mm 0.182 61 46.5 44.0 Disk $\varnothing $5.02 mm×1.0 mm 0.181 06 45.5 32.2 -
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