Dynamic Compressive Mechanical and Reactive Properties of Reactive Fragment
摘要: 为了研究在冲击作用下烧结和未烧结工艺对活性破片的动态力学性能和反应性能影响,分别使用分离式霍普金森压杆和落锤加载装置对两种工艺的活性破片进行加载,并且对两种实验结果进行了对比。研究结果表明:烧结后的活性破片具有较好的力学性能,并且两种材料都具有明显的应变率效应,动态屈服强度约为静态屈服强度的2.8~3.3倍;落锤加载下烧结后的活性破片更容易发生反应,发生反应的临界落高为1.15 m。研究结果能够反映该材料的力学性能和反应性能。Abstract: The split Hopkinson pressure bars (SHPB) and drop-weight are used to study the effects of sintered and unsintered processes on the dynamic mechanical properties and reaction properties of reactive fragments under impact. The results show that the sintered reactive fragments have better mechanical properties. Both materials have obvious strain-rate effects, and the dynamic yield stress is 2.8–3.3 times of the static yield stress. The sintered reactive fragments are easier to react under the load of drop-weight, and the critical drop height of the reaction is 1.15 m. These results can effectively reflect the mechanical and reactive behavior of reactive fragments.
Key words:
- reactive fragment /
- critical reactive height /
- reactive property /
- yield stress
表 1 落锤加载试样的实验结果
Table 1. Experiment results of drop-weight load
Test No. Material status Drop height/m v1/(m·s–1) v2/(m·s–1) Reactive state 1 Sintered 0.80 3.84 0.64 No-react 2 1.00 4.25 0.75 No-react 3 1.10 4.48 0.96 No-react 4 1.15 4.80 1.28 React 5 1.20 4.85 0.96 React 6 1.30 5.12 1.28 React 7 Unsintered 0.80 3.80 0.32 No-react 8 1.00 4.16 0.64 No-react 9 1.20 4.82 0.64 No-react 10 1.25 4.95 1.25 React 11 1.30 5.10 1.28 React -
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