Dimensional Analysis of Ballistic Limit of Spherical Fragments Penetrating Multi-Layer Plate
摘要: 为了研究Q235钢多层板的抗侵彻性能,进行了直径为9.45 mm的钨合金球形破片侵彻7.2 mm和(3.6+3.6)mm厚Q235钢双层板试验,获得了相应的弹道极限。在此基础上,建立数值仿真模型,研究了钨合金球侵彻接触式等厚3层、4层、5层、6层板的弹道极限。通过量纲分析方法,分析了分层数对靶板弹道极限的影响。结果表明:对于球形破片,总厚度为7.2 mm的等厚双层板的抗侵彻性能高于单层板;当分层数大于2时,接触式多层等厚靶板的弹道极限随着层数的增加而减小,即分层数越多,靶板的抗侵彻性能越低,通过量纲分析方法得到了靶板分层数与破片弹道极限的关系。研究结果可为未来装甲防护设计提供一定的参考。Abstract: In order to study the anti-penetration performance of Q235 steel multi-layer plate, we carried out a
$\varnothing $ 9.45 mm spherical fragment of tungsten alloy to penetrate the 7.2 mm and (3.6+3.6) mm Q235 steel double-layer plates, and obtained the corresponding ballistic limits. On this basis, we established a numerical simulation model to study the ballistic limits of the laminated contact plates with three, four, five, and six layers of equal thickness penetrated by the tungsten ball. Through the dimensional method, we analyzed the effect of the number of layers on the ballistic limit of the target. The results show that for spherical fragments, the anti-penetration performance of the double-layer plate with a total thickness of 7.2 mm is higher than that of the single-layer plate; when the number of layers is greater than 2, the ballistic limit of the multi-layer target decreases with the increase of the number of layers. The relationship between the number of layers of the target and the ballistic limit of the fragment is obtained by the dimensional method. The results can provide a guidance for the design of armor protection in the future.-
Key words:
- spherical fragment /
- ballistic limit /
- multi-layer plate /
- dimensional analysis
表 1 破片侵彻试验结果
Table 1. Experimental results of fragment penetrating plate
Target type Initial velocity/(m∙s−1) Residual velocity/(m∙s−1) Phenomenon Single layer plate
7.2 mm494.3 Embedment 598.8 248.6 Penetration 662.0 350.2 Penetration 718.5 413.3 Penetration 726.4 423.0 Penetration 734.1 454.3 Penetration 766.1 479.2 Penetration 787.3 504.9 Penetration 837.0 558.9 Penetration Double layer plate
(3.6+3.6) mm455.3 Embedment 532.7 Embedment 604.0 194.2 Penetration 619.0 224.4 Penetration 631.4 246.1 Penetration 652.5 281.8 Penetration 738.0 400.7 Penetration 819.0 493.2 Penetration 表 2 钨合金球的材料模型参数
Table 2. Material model parameters of tungsten alloy ball
Density/(g·cm–3) Young modulus/GPa Poisson’s ratio Yield stress /MPa ETAN/MPa 18.2 357 0.303 1 506 762 BETA SRC SRP FS VP 1 3.9 6 1.2 0 表 3 Q235钢靶板的材料模型参数
Table 3. Material model parameters of Q235 steel plate
Density/(g·cm–3) G/GPa A/MPa B/MPa c m n 7.8 77.3 300 347 0.1 0.55 0.08 Tm/K Tr/K D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 1 795 300 0.3 0.9 2.8 0 0 表 4 破片侵彻靶板的仿真结果
Table 4. Simulation results of fragmentation penetrating the plate
Target type Initial velocity/(m∙s−1) Residual velocity/(m∙s−1) Relative error/% Phenomenon Simulation Experiment Single-layer plate
7.2 mm494.3 Embedment 598.8 243.8 248.6 1.93 Penetration 662.0 340.3 350.2 2.83 Penetration 718.5 408.9 413.3 1.06 Penetration 726.4 410.7 423.0 2.91 Penetration 734.1 435.8 454.3 4.07 Penetration 766.1 467.3 479.2 2.48 Penetration 787.3 487.8 504.9 3.39 Penetration 837.0 541.5 558.9 3.11 Penetration Double-layer plate
(3.6+3.6) mm532.7 Embedment 604.0 189.5 194.2 2.42 Penetration 619.0 217.4 224.4 3.12 Penetration 631.4 237.4 246.1 3.54 Penetration 652.5 270.5 281.8 4.01 Penetration 738.0 383.2 400.7 4.37 Penetration 819.0 470.7 493.2 4.56 Penetration 表 5 破片侵彻靶板的仿真结果
Table 5. Simulation results of fragmentation penetrating the plate
Target type Initial velocity/(m∙s−1) Residual velocity/(m∙s−1) Phenomenon Three-layer plate
(2.4+2.4+2.4) mm550 115 Penetration 600 228 Penetration 630 267 Penetration 680 342 Penetration 700 360 Penetration 750 417 Penetration Four-layer plate
(1.8+1.8+1.8+1.8) mm520 64 Penetration 550 157 Penetration 600 250 Penetration 650 318 Penetration 700 381 Penetration 750 434 Penetration Five-layer plate
(1.44+1.44+1.44+1.44+1.44) mm550 168 Penetration 600 258 Penetration 650 325 Penetration 700 389 Penetration 750 441 Penetration Six-layer plate
(1.2+1.2+1.2+1.2+1.2+1.2) mm550 184 Penetration 600 265 Penetration 650 332 Penetration 700 394 Penetration 750 450 Penetration 表 6 相关物理量与无量纲量
Table 6. Related physical quantities and dimensionless quantities
H/m ${{v_{{\rm{50}}}}}$/(m∙s−1) n ${\dfrac{H}{{{d_{\rm{p}}}}}}$ ${\dfrac{{{v_{50}}\sqrt {{\rho _{\rm{t}}}} }}{{\sqrt {{\sigma _{{\rm{st}}}}} }}}$ 0.002 40 527.9 3 0.254 0 0.003 041 0.001 80 512.7 4 0.190 5 0.002 954 0.001 44 507.2 5 0.152 4 0.002 922 0.001 20 500.7 6 0.127 0 0.002 885 表 7 破片侵彻靶板的仿真结果
Table 7. Simulation results of fragment penetrating the plate
Target type Initial velocity /(m∙s−1) Residual velocity/(m∙s−1) Phenomenon Eight-layer plate
(0.9+0.9+0.9+0.9+0.9+0.9+0.9+0.9) mm550 196 Penetration 600 284 Penetration 650 356 Penetration 700 410 Penetration 750 472 Penetration -
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