
王比 安二峰 陈鹏万 周强 高鑫

王比, 安二峰, 陈鹏万, 周强, 高鑫. 爆炸烧结制备W-Al含能结构材料及其准静态压缩特性研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(6): 063401. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190753
引用本文: 王比, 安二峰, 陈鹏万, 周强, 高鑫. 爆炸烧结制备W-Al含能结构材料及其准静态压缩特性研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(6): 063401. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190753
WANG Bi, AN Erfeng, CHEN Pengwan, ZHOU Qiang, GAO Xin. Fabrication of W-Al Energetic Structural Materials by Explosive Consolidation and Investigation of Its Quasi-Static Compression Properties[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(6): 063401. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190753
Citation: WANG Bi, AN Erfeng, CHEN Pengwan, ZHOU Qiang, GAO Xin. Fabrication of W-Al Energetic Structural Materials by Explosive Consolidation and Investigation of Its Quasi-Static Compression Properties[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(6): 063401. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190753


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190753
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年基金(11402026)

    王 比(1993-),男,硕士,主要从事铝基含能材料制备及其性能表征研究.E-mail:1244538448@qq.com


    周 强(1983-),男,博士,特别副研究员,主要从事材料冲击动力学、爆炸加工等研究.E-mail:zqpcgm@gmail.com

  • 中图分类号: O521.9; TG392

Fabrication of W-Al Energetic Structural Materials by Explosive Consolidation and Investigation of Its Quasi-Static Compression Properties

  • 摘要: 通过爆炸烧结法,采用不同粒度的W、Al混合粉末,成功制备了近乎致密的W-Al含能结构材料(ESM)。研究发现:冲击波压力是粉末致密化的主导因素,粉末粒径对烧结密度和微观结构的影响显著,W的粒径越小,颗粒团聚越明显,从而阻碍致密化,在致密块体中形成连续分布的W相。所制备样品的最大抗压强度和失效应变分别达到288 MPa和20%,材料的力学性能和断裂模式主要取决于连续相,Al相连续的ESM抗压强度低、塑性较好,呈轴向劈裂破坏;而W相连续的ESM则表现出脆性和高抗压强度,破坏模式为剪切破坏,与Al的低强度高塑性和W高强度脆性特性一致。


  • 图  不同W粒径的W-Al粉末SEM图

    Figure  1.  SEM micrographs of the origin powders with various W particle size

    图  V型混料机(a)和样品管(b)

    Figure  2.  V-blender (a) and sample tube (b)

    图  柱面单管爆炸烧结实验装置

    Figure  3.  Single tube explosive setup for the explosive shock consolidation of powder mixtures

    图  试验回收的样品管(a)和烧结样品(b)

    Figure  4.  The recovered sample tubes (a) and the sample (b)

    图  线扫描EDS图像

    Figure  5.  EDS diagram of line scanning

    图  样品的XRD谱

    Figure  6.  XRD patterns of samples

    图  疏松物质压力-比容曲线(a)及炸药与材料相互作用曲线(b)[19]

    Figure  7.  p-V curve of porous material (a) and explosive-material interaction curve (b)[19]

    图  W-Al材料的横截面SEM图

    Figure  8.  Cross-sectional SEM micrographs of W-Al consolidated mixtures

    图  准静态压缩下样品的应力-应变曲线

    Figure  9.  Stress-strain curve of quasi-static compression

    图  10  准静态加载条件下W-Al压缩宏观变形形貌

    Figure  10.  The morphologies of the samples before and after quasi-static compression

    图  11  准静态加载下两种不同失效形式的SEM图像

    Figure  11.  SEM image of different fracture failure mode of samples under quasi-static loading

    表  1  试验结果

    Table  1.   Results of compression experiments

    No.W/Al particle type(ρI/ρT)/%(ρF/ρT)/%Compressive strength/MPaFracture strain/%Intermetallic
    1A:10–20 μm61.0 99.420715None
    2A:10–20 μm69.7100.019315None
    3A:10–20 μm80.6100.020420None
    4B:5–10 μm 50.0 96.5288 8None
    5B:5–10 μm 61.4 98.726110None
    6C:1–5 μm 62.1 95.7241 7None
    7C:1–5 μm 68.3 96.1244 6None
    8C:1–5 μm 73.3 96.4246 7None
     Note: ρI, ρT and ρF are initial, final and theoretical densities, respectively.
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