Fabrication of W-Al Energetic Structural Materials by Explosive Consolidation and Investigation of Its Quasi-Static Compression Properties
摘要: 通过爆炸烧结法,采用不同粒度的W、Al混合粉末,成功制备了近乎致密的W-Al含能结构材料(ESM)。研究发现:冲击波压力是粉末致密化的主导因素,粉末粒径对烧结密度和微观结构的影响显著,W的粒径越小,颗粒团聚越明显,从而阻碍致密化,在致密块体中形成连续分布的W相。所制备样品的最大抗压强度和失效应变分别达到288 MPa和20%,材料的力学性能和断裂模式主要取决于连续相,Al相连续的ESM抗压强度低、塑性较好,呈轴向劈裂破坏;而W相连续的ESM则表现出脆性和高抗压强度,破坏模式为剪切破坏,与Al的低强度高塑性和W高强度脆性特性一致。Abstract: Nearly fully dense W-Al energetic structural material (ESM) was successfully prepared by explosive sintering with W and Al powder with different particle sizes. It was found that shock wave pressure is the dominant factor for powder densification and the particle size of powder has a significant influence on the final density and microstructure of the compacted ESM. The smaller the W particle size is, the more severely the W particle agglomerate, which hinders the densification, leading to the formation of continuous W phase in the compacted ESM. The maximum compressive strength and failure strain of the sample reach 288 MPa and 20%, respectively. The mechanical properties and fracture mode of the consolidated material depend on the continuous phase, the ESM with continuous Al phase presents low compressive strength and good ductility with anaxial split failure, while the one with continuous W phase shows brittleness and high compressive strength with a shear failure, which is consistent with the properties of Al and W, respectively.
Key words:
- W-Al /
- energetic structural material /
- explosive sintering /
- microstructure
表 1 试验结果
Table 1. Results of compression experiments
No. W/Al particle type (ρI/ρT)/% (ρF/ρT)/% Compressive strength/MPa Fracture strain/% Intermetallic 1 A:10–20 μm 61.0 99.4 207 15 None 2 A:10–20 μm 69.7 100.0 193 15 None 3 A:10–20 μm 80.6 100.0 204 20 None 4 B:5–10 μm 50.0 96.5 288 8 None 5 B:5–10 μm 61.4 98.7 261 10 None 6 C:1–5 μm 62.1 95.7 241 7 None 7 C:1–5 μm 68.3 96.1 244 6 None 8 C:1–5 μm 73.3 96.4 246 7 None Note: ρI, ρT and ρF are initial, final and theoretical densities, respectively. -
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