Effect of Al/O Ratio on Underwater Explosion Load and Energy Output Configuration of Aluminized Explosive
摘要: 为了系统地研究铝氧比对含铝炸药水下爆炸载荷及能量输出结构的影响,在验证数值模型有效性的基础上,针对铝氧比分别为0、0.16、0.36、0.63的RDX基含铝炸药,利用耦合欧拉-拉格朗日方法模拟了其水下爆炸连续的全过程,考虑了冲击波载荷和气泡载荷之间的耦合作用,从冲击波、气泡和能量输出结构三方面对影响效应进行评估。计算结果表明:随着铝氧比的增大,含铝炸药水下爆炸冲击波衰减时间常数、冲击波冲量、气泡脉动周期、气泡最大半径以及比气泡能都增大;铝氧比为0.36时,冲击波峰值压力、冲击波能流密度和比冲击波能达到最大。铝粉的加入对气泡能的提高相对于冲击波能更加显著。Abstract: In order to study the effect of Al/O ratio on underwater explosion load and energy output configuration of aluminized explosives systematically, four kinds of aluminized explosives are taken into account, and their Al/O ratio are 0, 0.16, 0.36 and 0.63, respectively. Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method was used to simulate the whole process of underwater explosion of four kinds of aluminized explosives on the basis of verifying the effectiveness of numerical method. The coupling effect between shock wave and bubble was considered in the numerical simulation. The impact effect is explained from three aspects: shock wave, bubble and energy output configuration. Simulation results show that with the increase of Al/O ratio, shock wave attenuation constant, shock wave impulse, bubble period, bubble maximum radius and specific bubble energy of underwater explosion of aluminized explosives all increase. Shock wave peak pressure, energy flow density and specific shock wave energy reach the maximum when Al/O ratio is 0.36. The addition of aluminum improves bubble energy more significantly than shock wave energy.
Key words:
- aluminized explosive /
- Al/O ratio /
- underwater explosion /
- shock wave /
- bubble /
- energy output
Sample $\rho $/(kg·m–3) A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 ω e/(J·g–1) TNT 1 630 371.20 3.21 4.15 0.95 0.30 4 290 RS211 1 750 758.00 8.51 4.90 1.10 0.20 4 509 1(0) 1 667 334.77 9.50 6.71 1.26 0.21 5 636 2(0.16) 1 720 361.55 27.42 4.81 1.89 0.32 6 206 3(0.36) 1 788 709.60 20.27 5.37 1.90 0.34 6 956 4(0.63) 1 853 761.51 9.16 5.45 1.74 0.23 7 441 表 2 气泡周期和比气泡能的对比
Table 2. Comparison of bubble period and specific bubble energy
Explosive Tb/ms Eb/MJ eb/(MJ·kg–1) eb/eb, TNT Exp. Cal. Exp. Cal. Exp. Cal. Exp. Cal. RS211 273.33 266.89 9.441 7 8.789 9 3.059 5 2.846 5 1.52 1.48 TNT 235.99 232.56 6.097 2 5.815 6 2.017 2 1.928 9 1.00 1.00 -
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