Energy Dissipation of Tungsten Alloys Cylindrical Rods Hypervelocity Impacting Thin Steel Target
摘要: 超高速撞击过程伴随着复杂的物理过程。为分析杆式圆柱形钨合金弹超高速撞击薄钢靶时的物理过程,采用AUTODYN/SPH数值仿真计算方法获得了撞击过程模型及每个光滑粒子流体动力学信息,并通过广度搜索破片识别程序识别每个破片所含粒子,利用MATLAB编程对破片粒子数据信息进行统计分析,获得弹靶撞击过程的变化特性、弹靶破片数量、相关能量随撞击时间的变化规律。通过分析发现:随着弹体撞击速度的增加,剩余弹体被严重侵蚀,且弹体能量损耗增加,弹体损失的能量主要转变为弹靶破片动能;计算得到了撞击20
${\text{μ}}{\rm{s}}$ 时的能量损耗直方图,同时分析了发生撞击时靶板的能量变化过程,并简要描述了该过程。-
- 超高速撞击 /
- 光滑粒子流体动力学方法 /
- 弹靶破片 /
- 能量耗散 /
- 破片识别
Abstract: The complex physical process is always accompanied with hypervelocity impact. In this paper, the physical process of rod-shaped cylindrical tungsten alloy bomb impact thin steel target has been studied. The impact process model and fluid dynamic information of every particle were obtained by means of AUTODYN/SPH method and the fragment particles were identified through range search and fragment identification program. Some information of the elastic target change process, the number of the target fragment, the change of the relative energy with the time during the impact were obtained by MATLAB. It is found that with the increase of impact speed, the residual body is eroded seriously, and the energy loss of missile body is increased, and the energy of the body loss is mainly converted into the kinetic energy of the bomb target. The energy loss histogram of the impact at the time of 20 μs and energy change process for the target plate impacted have been analyzed. -
表 1 状态方程参数
Table 1. Parameters of equation of state
Material S C0/(m·s–1) ${\varGamma}$ ${{\rho _0}/\left( {{\rm kg}\cdot {{\rm m}^{-3}}} \right)}$ Tungsten alloy 1.23 4 040 1.67 17.6 Q345 Steel 1.49 4 569 2.17 7.83 表 2 钨合金的Steinberg-Guinan强度模型参数
Table 2. Steinberg-Guinan strength model parameters of tungsten alloy
${{G_0}/{\rm GPa}}$ ${{Y_0}/{\rm GPa}}$ ${ {T_{\rm m}}/{\rm{K} } }$ ${ {G'_p} }$ ${ {G_T'}/({ {\rm{MPa} }\cdot{\rm K}^{ - 1} } })$ ${\,\beta }$ ${n}$ ${ {Y'_p} }$ 132 1.4 4 520 1.794 –40 1.3 0.1 0.019 027 表 3 Q345钢的Johnson-Cook强度模型参数
Table 3. Johnson-Cook strength model parameters of Q345 steel
${A/{\rm GPa}}$ ${B/{\rm GPa}}$ ${n}$ ${C}$ ${m}$ ${{T_{{\rm{melt}}}}/{\rm K}}$ T0/K G/GPa 0.374 0.795 7 0.454 5 0.015 86 0.885 6 1 759 300 80.47 表 4 实验与数值仿真结果
Table 4. Results of simulation and experiment
Method Residual projectile’s
kinetic energy/(km·s–1)Residual projectile’s
length/mmExperiment 2.945 12.510 Simulation 2.952 11.823 -
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