Melting of MB2 Alloy under Shock Compression
摘要: 采用反向碰撞实验技术,结合具有高时空分辨率的全光纤激光干涉测速技术,对镁铝合金开展了极端动态压缩条件下的动力学行为实验研究,获得了镁铝合金在30~73 GPa压力范围内的Hugoniot和声速实验数据。深入的数据分析表明,所获得的Hugoniot数据与早期的Hugoniot数据一致,但是纵波声速却呈现出明显的向体波声速转变的趋势,对应冲击加载下镁铝合金的固-液熔化相变,相变压力区间为40~57 GPa。Abstract: Reverse impact experiments were performed at a shock pressure range from 30 GPa to 73 GPa to investigate the dynamic response of magnesium aluminum alloy. A displacement interferometer system for any reflector was employed to measure the impact velocity and sample/window interface particle velocities. The Hugoniot data obtained in this study had a good agreement with the data published before, however, the sound velocities extracted from our experiments showed a transition from longitudinal to bulk sound velocity. This discontinuity is attributed to melting transition under shock compression, and the transition pressure range is estimated from 40 GPa to 57 GPa.
Key words:
- shock compression /
- melting /
- sound velocity /
- magnesium aluminum alloy /
- phase transition
表 1 MB2样品冲击实验参数及结果
Table 1. Shock experiment parameters and results of MB2
Exp.No. hs/mm W/(km·s–1) uw/(km·s–1) us/(km·s–1) Ds/(km·s–1) p/GPa Cl/(km·s–1) 1 1.980±0.004 3.949±0.020 1.589±0.016 2.360±0.026 7.303±0.166 30.6±0.4 7.983±0.297 2 1.997±0.004 4.358±0.020 1.763±0.018 2.595±0.027 7.607±0.175 35.0±0.5 9.101±0.394 3 1.978±0.004 5.379±0.027 2.195±0.022 3.184±0.030 8.317±0.191 47.0±0.7 9.167±0.402 4 1.981±0.004 5.928±0.030 2.435±0.024 3.493±0.039 8.746±0.214 54.2±0.9 8.912±0.380 5 1.981±0.004 6.100±0.030 2.514±0.025 3.586±0.039 8.907±0.213 56.7±0.9 8.601±0.348 6 1.987±0.004 7.220±0.036 3.003±0.030 4.217±0.050 9.747±0.245 73.0±1.2 9.723±0.463 -
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