
刘志跃 翟俊昭

刘志跃, 翟俊昭. 铝铜药型罩射流与侵彻数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(6): 064107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190728
引用本文: 刘志跃, 翟俊昭. 铝铜药型罩射流与侵彻数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(6): 064107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190728
LIU Zhiyue, ZHAI Junzhao. Numerical Simulation on the Performance of Shaped Charge with Explosively Welded Aluminum Copper Liner[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(6): 064107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190728
Citation: LIU Zhiyue, ZHAI Junzhao. Numerical Simulation on the Performance of Shaped Charge with Explosively Welded Aluminum Copper Liner[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(6): 064107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190728


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190728
基金项目: 北京理工大学爆炸与科学技术国家重点实验室面上项目(YBKT12-06)

    翟俊昭(1994-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事爆炸安全研究.E-mail: toshiakichia@gmail.com


    刘志跃(1965-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事冲击与爆炸安全研究. E-mail: zyliu@bit.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O385; E932.4

Numerical Simulation on the Performance of Shaped Charge with Explosively Welded Aluminum Copper Liner

  • 摘要: 为提高射流侵彻性能,根据聚能射流装置的射流形成特点,设计了爆炸复合铝铜金属体作为药型罩的聚能射流装置。此装置依据已有的锥角为42°的聚能装药紫铜药型罩改进而来。利用LS-DYNA软件中的MMALE多物质算法,对此装置的射流形成、侵彻金属靶体全过程进行数值模拟。在保持装药量不变的情况下,计算了当铝铜药型罩锥角分别为36°、38°、40°和42°时的射流形成及侵彻过程。结果表明:射流头部速度随着铝铜药型罩锥角的减小而增大;且锥角为38°时射流穿深最大。相比单纯金属铜药型罩情况,射流头部速度提高了13.2%,侵彻深度提高了14.5%。


  • 图  经典聚能射流装置

    Figure  1.  Prototype shaped charge device

    图  铝铜复合体药型罩聚能射流装置

    Figure  2.  Shaped charge with aluminum-copper welded liner

    图  射流装置及靶体布置有限元计算设定

    Figure  3.  Computational diagrams of shape charge and target arrangement

    图  纯铜药型罩在50 μs时的射流形态

    Figure  4.  Jet configuration from conical shaped charge with single copper liner at 50 μs instant

    图  纯铜药型罩射流侵彻深度

    Figure  5.  Penetration into steet target by jet from conical copper liner shaped charge

    图  不同锥角铝铜药型罩射流头部速度-时间变化

    Figure  6.  Variation of jet tip velocity versus time from shaped charge set-up with different liner apex angles

    图  锥角为38°时铝铜药型罩射流侵彻过程的计算结果

    Figure  7.  Penetration phases at shown time intervals by jets from 38° apex angle charge with aluminum-copper welded liner

    图  不同锥角铝铜药型罩射流侵彻深度-时间变化

    Figure  8.  Variation of jet penetration depth versus time by charge devices with different liner apex angles

    图  纯铜药型罩射流侵彻靶板前的速度分布

    Figure  9.  Jet velocity contour from charge with single copper liner

    图  10  锥角38°铝铜药型罩射流侵彻靶板前的速度分布

    Figure  10.  Jet velocity contour from charge with aluminum copper welded liner under 38° apex angle

    图  11  无结合强度铝铜复合板斜碰撞计算形貌

    Figure  11.  Computational results of the oblique collision by plates of aluminum copper without bonding

    图  12  结合良好的铝铜复合板斜碰撞计算形貌

    Figure  12.  Computational results of the oblique collision by plates of aluminum copper with strong bonding

    表  1  模型几何参数

    Table  1.   Geometrical parameters in shaped charge configuration

    δ/cm h/cm d/cm α/(°) b/cm
     Note: δ, h, d, α, b are liner thickness, height of charge, diameter, apex angle, and top diameter, respectively.
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    表  2  Octol炸药爆轰性能及JWL参数[14]

    Table  2.   Detonation properties and JWL parameters of octol explosive[14]

    ρ0/(g·cm–3) D/(km·s–1)pCJ/GPa E0/(J·m–3)ω
     Note: ω, A, B, C, R1 and R2 are JWL EOS parameters; ρ0, D, pCJ and E0 are density, detonation velocity, CJ presure, and explosive energy per volume, respectively.
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    表  3  铝和铜的Grüneisen状态方程参数[16]

    Table  3.   Parameters in Grüneisen equation of state of aluminum and copper[16]

    Material ρ0/(g·cm–3)C0/(km·s–1) S Γ Troom/K cv/(J·kg–1·K–1)
     Note: S is constant; C0, Γ, Troom, cv are sound velocity, Grüneisen coefficient, room temperature, and specific heat capacity at constant volume, respectively.
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    表  4  铝和铜材料的Steinberg强度模型参数[17]

    Table  4.   Parameters in Steinberg strength model of aluminum and copper[17]

     Note: β and n are constants; G0, Y0 and are shear modulus, yield strength, and ${G'_r}$ shear modulus per time derivative,respectively.
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    表  5  钢靶弹塑性随动硬化模型参数[19]

    Table  5.   Target material parameters in elastic-plastic-kinematic strength model[19]

    Material ρ0/(g·cm–3)Ep/GPa μY/GPaCePe/s–1ɛeff
    Steel7.832.070.30.011 16 50040.7
     Note: Pe, Ce and ɛeff are constants; Ep, μ and Y are platic modulus, Poisson’s ratio and yield strength, respectively.
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    表  6  纯铜药型罩射流侵彻计算和实验结果对比

    Table  6.   Comparison on computational and experimental results of jet and penetration by charge with single copper liner

    Jet head velocity/(km·s–1)Penetration depth/cm
    ExperimentThis calculationExperimentThis calculation
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    表  7  不同锥角铝铜药型罩与纯铜药型罩射流计算结果对比

    Table  7.   Computational results on penetration by aluminum-copper liner with various apex angels

    Materialα/(°)Penetration depth/cm
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    表  8  锥角38°铝铜药型罩射流各分段速度分布及总动能

    Table  8.   Jet velocity values at different locations along its elongation and total jet kinetic energy from the charge with aluminum copper welded liner at 38° apex angle

    Portion iVelocity/(km·s–1)va/(km·s–1)r/cml/cmEvi/kJEv/kJ
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    表  9  单层铜药型罩射流各分段速度分布及总动能

    Table  9.   Jet velocity values at different locations along jet elongation and total jet kinetic energy from the charge with single copper liner

    Portion iVelocity/(km·s–1)va/(km·s–1)r/cml/cmEvi/kJEv/kJ
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