

郑松林. 晶体塑性有限元在材料动态响应研究中的应用进展[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(3): 030108. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190725
引用本文: 郑松林. 晶体塑性有限元在材料动态响应研究中的应用进展[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(3): 030108. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190725
ZHENG Songlin. Advances in the Study of Dynamic Response of Crystalline Materials by Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Modeling[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(3): 030108. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190725
Citation: ZHENG Songlin. Advances in the Study of Dynamic Response of Crystalline Materials by Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Modeling[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(3): 030108. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190725


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190725
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11802281)

    郑松林(1987—),男,博士,助理研究员,主要从事材料微结构演化模拟研究. E-mail:hizhengsl@foxmail.com

  • 中图分类号: O344.1

Advances in the Study of Dynamic Response of Crystalline Materials by Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Modeling

  • 摘要: 作为连续尺度上描述各向异性非均质材料弹塑性变形的重要模拟工具,晶体塑性有限元能够有效预测材料的宏观力学性能,在工程设计方面起着重要的作用。在实际工程应用中,许多晶体材料在高应力、高变形率、高温等极端条件下服役,此时各向异性非均匀的微介观结构演化是理解材料动态响应的关键,这给晶体塑性有限元带来了巨大的机遇和挑战。首先简要综述了晶体塑性有限元的原理和方法,然后着重介绍其在材料动态响应中的应用,最后展望其在材料动态响应模拟方面的发展方向。


  • 图  一般多孔单晶的变形梯度分解${{F}} = {{{F}}_{\rm{e}}}{{{F}}_{\rm{p}}}{{{F}}_{\rm{d}}}$,包含可逆弹性部分${{{F}}_{\rm{e}}}$、不可逆偏量部分${{{F}}_{\rm{p}}}$以及不可逆体变部分${{{F}}_{\rm{d}}}$[91]

    Figure  1.  Schematic of a multiplicative decomposition of total macroscopic deformation gradient tensor ${{F}}$ into elastic ${{{F}}_{\rm{e}}}$, irreversible deviatoric ${{{F}}_{\rm{p}}}$, and irreversible volumetric parts ${{{F}}_{\rm{d}}}$[91]

    图  利用唯象模型模拟晶体在32 GPa压力下的变形情况:(a)为应力演化,(b)和(c)为不同时刻t的滑移率分布[97]

    Figure  2.  Deformation of the crystal under an applied pressure of 32 GPa in Ref. [97]: (a) shows the stress evolution, and (b), (c) show the rates of accumulated slip at different times ($t$)

    图  耦合了p-V-T状态方程的CPFE模拟一维冲击下波前温度及温差随压力的变化[99]

    Figure  3.  Temperature and contributions to temperature change behind shock front as computed in 1D uniaxial strain simulations by using coupled pVT-CPFE models[99]

    图  RDX在[111]方向受到1.25 GPa加载时粒子速度剖面[100](实线是实验结果[101],虚线为模拟结果)

    Figure  4.  Particle velocity profile of $ \alpha $-RDX single crystal loaded up to 1.25 GPa along the [111] crystallographic direction (Solid lines correspond to the experimental results [101] while dashed lines correspond to the model predictions [100].)

    图  利用Lagrangean框架建立的唯象CPFE模拟等径角板牙的高应变率变形:(a)几何构型,其中V为此区域外加的速度场;(b)变形率分布[102]

    Figure  5.  High strain rate deformation of equal-diameter dies simulated by the phenomenological CPFE within the Lagrangean framework. (a) shows the geometry configuration where V is the imposed velocity in the specified domains, and (b) is the deformation rate distribution [102]

    图  利用Winey-Gupta模型模拟LiF受[100]方向冲击时的纵波历史(实线为实验测量值,虚线为模拟值;曲线上方数字表示试样的厚度,单位为毫米[105]

    Figure  6.  Measured and simulated longitudinal stress histories for LiF single crystals shocked along the [100] orientation by Winey-Gupta model [105] (The solid lines are the experimental data and the dashed lines are the simulations. The numbers above the curves indicate the sample thickness in mm. Time is relative to the moment of impact.)

    图  利用Austin- McDowell模型模拟6061-T6的Hugoniot塑性变形的临界剪切应力(数据点为实验结果;左上角给出了数据点的来源,尺寸参数表示晶粒尺寸,具体信息见文献[106])

    Figure  7.  The critical shear stress of Hugoniot plastic deformation of 6061-T6 simulated by the Austin-McDowell model (The symbols show the experimental results. The legend gives the sources of the experimental data, and the measurements show the grain sizes, please see Ref.[106] for the detail information.)

    图  利用Lloyd等[108]模型模拟沿不同晶向冲击下单晶铝的粒子速度剖面

    Figure  8.  Particle velocity profile of single crystal Al shocked along different crystallographic directions simulated by the Lloyd model[108]

    图  大量实验和模拟得到铜的流变应力-应变率关系(红线是Hansen等的模拟,数据点是实验结果,具体见文献[111])

    Figure  9.  Flow stress versus strain rate for copper: various simulation and experimental results as indicated in the legend, and the red lines show the Hansen’s results (see Ref.[111])

    图  10  Be材料冲击加卸载下的孪晶体积份额分布[120]

    Figure  10.  Fraction of twinning in Be materials in the impact loading and unloading[120]

    图  11  CPFE模拟钨合金中的冲击破碎现象[122]

    Figure  11.  Impact fracture in tungsten alloy simulated by CPFE models[122]

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