Pressure Characteristics of Shallow Water Explosion near the Rigid Column
摘要: 刚性柱附近浅水爆炸时冲击波传播、气泡射流受多种因素影响。考虑水面、水底、刚性柱与水下爆炸冲击波及气泡的耦合作用,基于LS-DYNA有限元软件,建立浅水爆炸全耦合模型,通过经验公式验证有限元模型的正确性。研究表明:采用炸药直径1/3~1/2中心渐变网格能够较好地保证数值模拟精度。在冲击波传播阶段,刚性柱迎爆区冲击波峰值上升并产生切断现象,冲击波下降段被“截断”,而背爆区冲击波峰值衰减约50%,同时正压作用时间增加;在气泡脉动阶段,气泡在收缩阶段产生指向刚性柱的气泡射流,当刚性柱与炸药之间的距离约为一个气泡半径时,刚性柱附近的脉冲荷载增幅最大,脉冲荷载最大测点水深较爆心上移。Abstract: Shock wave propagation and bubble jet in the shallow water explosion near a rigid column are affected by many factors. Considering the influence of free water surface, water bottom boundary and rigid column, the coupling numerical model was established based on LS-DYNA, and the feasibility of numerical method is assured by comparison of simulation results and empirical results. The results show that the accuracy of numerical simulation can be better guaranteed if one-third and one-half of the explosive diameter as mesh size is adapted. During the shock wave propagation, the peak pressure in front of the column rises while the cut-off phenomenon causes during the shock wave pressure decreases, and the peak pressure behind the column decreases by approximately 50% while load duration increases. The jet is formed directivity to the column at the complete moment of the first bubble pulsation. The bubble impulse pressure increases most dramatically when the explosive is at a distance of explosive radius from the column, and the depth of the maximum impulse pressure is higher than the depth of explosive.
Key words:
- shallow water explosion /
- rigid column /
- cut-off phenomenon /
- jet /
- numerical simulation
表 1 有限元计算模型材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of FEM calculation model
Material ρ/(kg·m–3) C0, C1, C2, C3 C4 C5 C6 E/(J·kg–1) Air 1.29 0 0.4 0.4 0 2.5×105 Material ρ/(kg·m–3) C S1 S2 S3 γ Water 1000 1480 2.56 –1.986 0.2268 0.5 Material ρ/(kg·m–3) A/GPa B/GPa ω R1 R2 TNT 1630 374 7.33 0.3 4.15 0.95 Material ρ/(kg·m–3) E/MPa G/MPa Soil 1800 22.4 8 表 2 数值模拟与经验公式比较
Table 2. Comparison of the numerical and theoretical results
S/m Pmax Rm T Theoretical results/MPa Numerical results/MPa Error/% Theoretical results/m Numerical results/m Error/% Theoretical results/s Numerical results/s Error/% 2 135.05 137.36 1.71 5.00 5.12 2.40 0.56 0.53 5.40 4 61.71 62.39 1.10 6 39.03 38.78 0.63 8 28.20 27.21 3.50 10 21.91 20.80 5.07 12 16.78 17.21 3.49 14 14.98 14.02 6.42 表 3 刚性柱附近冲击波荷载比较
Table 3. Comparison of the pressure near a rigid column
de Measuring area Pmax Ib Near rigid column/MPa No rigid column/MPa Increase/% Near rigid column/(kN·s·m–2) No rigid column/(kN·s·m–2) Increase/% 0.39 In front of column 278.68 137.36 102.88 111.53 83.71 33.23 Behind the column 34.82 80.88 –56.95 39.77 57.01 –30.24 0.98 In front of column 87.64 46.9 86.87 43.16 36.65 17.76 Behind the column 19.95 38.78 –48.56 26.30 29.28 –10.18 1.95 In front of column 34.74 21.08 64.80 18.77 16.59 13.14 Behind the column 11.98 19.02 –37.01 13.36 15.94 –16.19 表 4 刚性柱迎爆区气泡脉冲荷载比较
Table 4. Peak pressure of bubble impulse near a rigid column
de Pmax/MPa Depth of the maximum
impulse/mIncrease/% 0.39 9.66 6 15.83 0.98 6.33 7 29.45 1.95 1.58 6.04 -
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