Low-Velocity Impact Behavior and Damage Characteristics of CFRP Laminates
摘要: 为了研究碳纤维增强复合材料(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics,CFRP)层合板低速冲击力学性能,开展了铺层顺序为[454/–454]4T的CFRP层合板落锤低速冲击试验。研究了条形冲锤冲击角度和半球形冲锤直径两个影响因素下的CFRP层合板低速冲击力学响应,同时通过凹坑深度和分层损伤面积研究了层合板低速冲击损伤特性。试验结果表明:当条形冲锤冲击角度与层合板表面纤维方向平行时以及以较小直径的半球形冲锤冲击时,最大中心位移和能量耗散较大,凹坑深度和分层面积也较大;在冲锤直径和冲击角度两个单因素变量下,凹坑深度与分层损伤面积成正相关;直径为10 mm的半球形冲锤冲击层合板时,在凹坑区域存在明显的纤维断裂;14 mm和16 mm半球形冲锤冲击时,损伤虽目视可见,但未见明显纤维断裂。
- 碳纤维增强复合材料层合板 /
- 低速冲击 /
- 损伤特征 /
- 凹坑深度 /
- 分层损伤面积
Abstract: Low-velocity impact tests were performed for the [454/–454]4T carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) laminates for exploring the low-velocity impact behaviors. The effects of impact angle of strip impactor and impactor diameter of hemispherical impactor on the impact responses of laminates are studied. Besides, the damage characteristics are evaluated by dent depth and delamination damage area simultaneously. The experimental results show that larger maximum center displacement and more energy dissipation can be caused when the impact direction of the strip impactor is parallel to the fibers in the surface plies and the impactor diameter is smaller. The dent depth and delamination damage area are also larger at the two situations above. In addition, the dent depth is positive correlated with the delamination damage area under single factor variables of impact angle and impactor diameter. There has significant fiber break around the impact area under the impact of 10 mm hemispherical impactor, but no obvious fiber break appears around the impact area for 14 mm and 16 mm impactors. -
表 1 低速冲击测试安排
Table 1. Low-velocity impact test arrangements
Test Key factor Type Impactor parameter Impactor energy/J Impactor velocity/
(m∙s−1)Times 1 Impactor angle S–45
S45Strip impactor, –45°
Strip impactor, 0°
Strip impactor, 45°10 1.88 2 2 Impactor diameter H10
H16Hemispherical impactor, 10 mm
Hemispherical impactor, 14 mm
Hemispherical impactor, 16 mm10 1.88 2 表 2 冲击损伤测试结果
Table 2. Summary of the impact test results
Specimen Dent depth/mm Delamination damage area/mm2 Specimen Dent depth/mm Delamination damage area/mm2 S–45 0.22 2147 H10 0.30 1613 S0 0.19 1710 H14 0.23 1553 S45 0.17 1651 H16 0.21 1230 -
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