Effect of Rotation on Penetration of Steel Plate by Ogival Projectile Using Coupled FEM-SPH Simulation
摘要: 建立了卵形弹侵彻钢板的FEM-SPH耦合计算模型,研究了弹靶间摩擦系数对弹体剩余速度计算结果的影响,根据实验结果确定了合理的摩擦系数,使耦合计算模型能准确地预测弹体剩余速度和靶板弹道极限。以该模型为基础,在两种不同着靶速度下,研究了弹体的旋转对其正侵彻和以不同入射角斜侵彻钢板时剩余速度和弹道偏转的影响。正侵彻下:旋转对弹体剩余速度的影响大,而对弹道偏转的影响很小;随着转速的增加,剩余速度增大,弹体侵彻能力提高。斜侵彻下:旋转对弹体的剩余速度和弹道偏转都有明显影响,但弹体转速的增大并不总使其侵彻能力提高,与入射角和着靶速度有关;同时旋转使弹体沿入射面外发生偏转,其偏转方向与弹体的旋转方向相关。Abstract: A coupled FEM-SPH model for an ogival-nosed projectile penetrating into a steel plate was established. The influence of friction coefficient between projectile and plate on residual velocity estimation for projectile was analyzed. Based on the experimental data, a suitable friction coefficient was determined such that the model can accurately predict residual velocities of projectile and ballistic limit of target. Based on the model, effects of projectile rotation on its residual velocity and ballistic deflection were studied for normal and oblique penetration with two different incident velocities and different incident angles. For normal penetration, rotation has a significant influence on residual velocity of projectile while few effects on ballistic deflection. The residual velocity and penetration capability of projectile increase with the growth of rotation speed. For oblique penetration, rotation has obvious effects on both residual velocity and ballistic deflection of projectile. The penetration capability of projectile does not monotonically increase with the growth of rotation speed and is dependent on incident angle and velocity. Deflections out of incident plane are induced by projectile rotation, and the deflection direction is related to the rotation direction of projectile.
Key words:
- rotation /
- penetration /
- residual velocity /
- ballistic deflection
Mass density/
(kg·m–3)Young’s modulus/GPa Poisson’s ratio Taylor-Quinney coefficient $\chi $ Specific heat Cp/(J·kg–1·K–1) Thermal expansion coefficient $\alpha $/K–1 Damage coupling parameter $\beta $ 7850 210 0.33 0.9 452 1.2×10–5 0 Johnson-Cook (JC) strength model parameters A/MPa B/MPa n C ${\dot \varepsilon _0}$/s–1 m Tr/K 499 382 0.458 0.0079 5×10–4 0.893 293 JC strength model parameters JC damage model parameters Tm/K T0/K D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 1800 293 0.636 1.936 –2.969 –0.014 1.014 JC damage model parameters Voce hardening parameters Critical temperature parameter Tc/K Dc pd Q1 C1 Q2 C2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1800 Mass density/(kg·m–3) Young’s modulus/GPa Poisson’s ratio Yield stress ${\sigma _{\rm{y}}}$/MPa Tangent modulus ETAN/GPa 7850 204 0.33 1900 15 表 3 剩余速度和弹道极限的数值模拟结果与实验结果对比
Table 3. Comparison of residual velocity and ballistic limit obtained by numerical simulation and experiment
Method Residual velocity/(m·s–1) Ballistic limit/(m·s–1) vi = 298.2 m·s–1 vi = 324.6 m·s–1 vi = 346.6 m·s–1 vi = 365.0 m·s–1 Experiment[10] 91.2 160.3 193.3 239.9 295.9 Simulation 95.3 158.7 197.6 226.2 284.0 Relative error/% 4.5 1.0 2.2 5.7 4.0 -
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