
伍星星 刘建湖 张伦平 赵延杰 孟利平 陈江涛

伍星星, 刘建湖, 张伦平, 赵延杰, 孟利平, 陈江涛. 材料参数拟合方法对弹靶侵彻仿真的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(4): 045105. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180661
引用本文: 伍星星, 刘建湖, 张伦平, 赵延杰, 孟利平, 陈江涛. 材料参数拟合方法对弹靶侵彻仿真的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(4): 045105. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180661
WU Xingxing, LIU Jianhu, ZHANG Lunping, ZHAO Yanjie, MENG Liping, CHEN Jiangtao. Influence of Different Material Constants Fitting Method on Predicting Warhead Impacting Metal Targets[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(4): 045105. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180661
Citation: WU Xingxing, LIU Jianhu, ZHANG Lunping, ZHAO Yanjie, MENG Liping, CHEN Jiangtao. Influence of Different Material Constants Fitting Method on Predicting Warhead Impacting Metal Targets[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(4): 045105. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180661


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180661
基金项目: 国家安全重大基础研究计划(613305);国防基础科研计划(JCKY2017207B054)

    伍星星(1989-),男,工程师,主要从事舰船抗爆抗冲击研究. E-mail:xingxingwupy@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O385

Influence of Different Material Constants Fitting Method on Predicting Warhead Impacting Metal Targets

  • 摘要: 弹靶侵彻仿真中材料参数对计算结果有着至关重要的影响。为寻求一套适用于弹靶侵彻仿真计算的材料参数拟合方法,借助前期开展的靶板材料动态力学性能试验、靶板材料断裂试验,通过不同拟合方法依次得到不同的JC本构模型及失效模型参数,依据试验建立有限元计算模型,将数值计算结果与试验结果进行对比。结果表明:(1)对于同一材料的力学性能试验,采用不同的拟合方法可得到不同的JC本构、JC失效参数,二者会对弹靶仿真结果造成一定影响;(2)在不考虑温度软化项的前提下,采用高应变率作为参考应变率进行拟合能更加准确地表征材料在高应变率下的应力-应变关系,更加适用于弹靶侵彻强瞬态、高应变率作用过程仿真;(3)对于同一JC本构模型,采用平均应力三轴度拟合的JC失效模型较采用初始应力三轴度拟合的JC失效模型所得战斗部剩余速度计算结果偏小,仅采用拉伸试件结果拟合的JC失效模型较采用扭转、拉伸试件结果拟合的JC失效模型所得战斗部剩余速度计算结果偏小。


  • 图  不同试验机的试件(单位:mm)

    Figure  1.  Different specimen size (Unit: mm)

    图  不同应变率下Q345B钢的应力-应变曲线

    Figure  2.  Stress-strain curves of Q345B steel under different strain rates

    图  不同参考应变率拟合下Q345B钢的应力-应变曲线对比

    Figure  3.  Fitting curves of Q345B steel by different reference strain rates

    图  不同参考应变率拟合下Q345B钢能量吸收密度曲线对比

    Figure  4.  Energy density curves comparisons of Q345B steel under different reference strain rates

    图  不同应力三轴度试件

    Figure  5.  Specimen of different stress triaxiality

    图  不同拟合方法得到的Q345B钢JC失效模型曲线对比

    Figure  6.  Comparison of JC failure model curves forQ345B steel under different fitting methods

    图  Q345B钢JC失效参数拟合曲线对比(仅考虑拉伸试件试验结果)

    Figure  7.  Comparison of JC failure model curves for Q345B steel under different fitting methods (only considering tensile specimen)

    图  战斗部穿甲有限元计算模型

    Figure  8.  Finite element model of warhead penetrating metal targets

    表  1  不同试件类型失效应变取值

    Table  1.   Failure strain of different specimens

    Specimen Stress triaxiality Failure strain ${\varepsilon _{\rm{f}}}$
    Initial stress triaxiality Average stress triaxiality
    Compression –0.333
    Torsion 0.000 0.0006 1.340
    Smooth 0.333 0.562 1.273
    R=18 mm 0.413 0.663 1.140
    R=8 mm 0.505 0.752 1.045
    R=6 mm 0.556 0.805 0.990
    R=2 mm 0.893 1.085 0.791
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    表  2  JC失效模型参数拟合结果

    Table  2.   JC failure model constants

    Model Stress triaxiality D1 D2 D3 Remarks
    JC-F-1 Initial –0.0910 1.5326 –0.6963 See Fig. 6
    JC-F-2 Average –6.3470 7.7860 –0.0870 See Fig. 6
    JC-F-3 Initial 0.6977 2.7811 –4.5976 See Fig. 7
    JC-F-4 Average 0.6415 5.0578 –3.6146 See Fig. 7
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    表  3  尖头战斗部穿甲8 mm厚Q345B钢金属板仿真计算结果与试验结果对比

    Table  3.   Comparison between experimental results and simulation results for sharp nosed warhead penetrating 8 mm thick Q345B steel targets

    Material model Impact velocity/(m·s–1) Residual velocity/(m·s–1)
    Strength model Failure model Experiment Simulation
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-1 208 185 180
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-2 208 185 177
    High reference strain rate JC-F-1 208 185 184
    High reference strain rate JC-F-2 208 185 183
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-3 208 185 180
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-4 208 185 174
    High reference strain rate JC-F-3 208 185 182
    High reference strain rate JC-F-4 208 185 178
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    表  4  尖头战斗部穿甲15 mm厚Q345B钢金属板仿真计算结果与试验结果对比

    Table  4.   Comparison between experimental results and simulation results for sharp nosed warhead penetrating 15 mm thick Q345B steel targets

    Material model Impact velocity/(m·s–1) Residual velocity/(m·s–1)
    Strength model Failure model Experiment Simulation
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-1 273 216 204
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-2 273 216 202
    High reference strain rate JC-F-1 273 216 212
    High reference strain rate JC-F-2 273 216 212
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-3 273 216 194
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-4 273 216 181
    High reference strain rate JC-F-3 273 216 201
    High reference strain rate JC-F-4 273 216 194
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    表  5  钝头战斗部穿甲15 mm厚Q345B钢金属板仿真计算结果与试验结果对比

    Table  5.   Comparison between experimental results and simulation results for blunt warhead penetrating 15 mm thick Q345B steel targets

    Material model Impact velocity/(m·s–1) Residual velocity/(m·s–1)
    Strength model Failure model Experiment Simulation
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-1 273 163 75
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-2 273 163 50
    High reference strain rate JC-F-1 273 163 174
    High reference strain rate JC-F-2 273 163 172
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-3 273 163 55
    Low reference strain rate JC-F-4 273 163 0
    High reference strain rate JC-F-3 273 163 171
    High reference strain rate JC-F-4 273 163 156
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