Experimental Study of Hypervelocity Impact Characteristics for Fiber Fabric Materials
摘要: 与铝合金等材料相比,纤维编织材料具有质量轻、可柔性折叠等优点,可应用于柔性充气展开防护结构,进而构建多屏、大间距防护结构,提升防护效率。考虑不同性能纤维编织材料对多屏防护结构防护性能的影响,通过实验研究了不同材料制成的多屏防护结构对空间碎片的防护性能,防护屏材料包括玄武岩纤维编织材料、芳纶纤维编织材料及铝板。在超高速弹丸撞击载荷作用下,与多屏铝板防护结构相比,多屏纤维编织材料防护结构具有更高的防碎片撞击效果;对多屏纤维编织材料防护结构来说,前两屏采用玄武岩纤维编织材料,后两屏采用芳纶纤维编织材料时,防护效果更好,说明多屏防护结构的前置防护屏采用软化温度较高的无机纤维编织材料时,可能会更好地破碎弹丸,从而提高防护结构的碎片撞击防护性能。Abstract: Compared with aluminum alloy and other materials, fiber fabric materials have the advantages of light weight, flexible folding, etc. The fiber fabric material can be applied to the flexible inflatable protection structure deployment, thereby constructing a multilayer, large-spacing protection structure is necessary to improve the protection efficiency. Considering the protective performance of multilayer shields for different fiber fabric materials, the protective performance of multilayer shields with different materials on space debris impact was studied experimentally. The protective shields materials include basalt fiber fabric material, aramid fiber fabric material and aluminum plate. Compared with the multilayer aluminum plate shields, the multilayer fiber fabric material shields have higher anti-fragment impact effects under the impact of hypervelocity projectile. For the multilayer fiber fabric material shields, the protection effects is improved when the initial two shields are basalt fiber fabric material. The results show that the front parts of the multilayer shields adopting inorganic material with high softening point temperature may improve the break of projectile, thereby improve the impact protection performance for the protective structure.
Key words:
- fiber fabric material /
- hypervelocity impact /
- space debris /
- multilayer shields
表 1 玄武岩和芳纶纤维材料力学性能参数
Table 1. Material properties of basalt and aramid fibers
Material Modulus/GPa Strength/GPa Elongation rate/% Critical temperature/°C Basalt fiber 93.1–110 3.8–4.8 3.1 >1050 (Softening) Aramid fiber ≥125 4.5–5.5 2.5–3.5 >530 (Decomposition) 表 2 多屏防护结构超高速撞击实验结果对比
Table 2. Results of hypervelocity impact tests for multilayer shields
Exp. No. Structure v/(km·s–1) R/mm n Damage of the 4th shield 1 BF×3+Al×2 3.80 55 3 Crater×4 (d=0.5–1.0 mm) 2 AF×3+Al×2 3.83 50 2 No damage 3 AF×2+BF×2+Al 3.92 51 3 Crater×1 (d=1 mm), bundle fracture×2 4 BF×2+AF×2+Al 3.84 56 2 No damage 5 Al×5 3.36 47 3 Small bulge×2 -
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