
武启剑 支旭东

武启剑, 支旭东. GFRP增强圆钢管在低速冲击荷载作用下的应变率效应[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(4): 044203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180653
引用本文: 武启剑, 支旭东. GFRP增强圆钢管在低速冲击荷载作用下的应变率效应[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(4): 044203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180653
WU Qijian, ZHI Xudong. Strain Rate Effect of GFRP-Reinforced Circular Steel Tube under Low-Velocity Impact[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(4): 044203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180653
Citation: WU Qijian, ZHI Xudong. Strain Rate Effect of GFRP-Reinforced Circular Steel Tube under Low-Velocity Impact[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(4): 044203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180653


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180653
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51478144)




  • 中图分类号: O383.3; TU398.9

Strain Rate Effect of GFRP-Reinforced Circular Steel Tube under Low-Velocity Impact

  • 摘要: 讨论了玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic,GFRP)增强Q235圆钢管在低速冲击荷载作用下的应变率效应。通过轴压试验和轴向低速冲击试验获得了试件在准静态和低速冲击状态下的力学响应(轴向荷载及轴向位移),为后续仿真工作提供了依据。编写了可以考虑初始失效、损伤演化及应变率效应的GFRP材料子程序(VUMAT),并基于ABAQUS对构件的轴压及轴向冲击过程进行了仿真再现。通过仿真将不考虑应变率效应、只考虑钢管应变率效应、只考虑GFRP应变率效应、考虑钢管及GFRP应变率效应4种情况下的结果进行了对比分析。


  • 图  试件符号说明及实物图

    Figure  1.  Symbol description and pictures of specimen

    图  轴压试验系统

    Figure  2.  Compression test system

    图  落锤试验系统

    Figure  3.  Drop hammer test system

    图  D-58-1.5-30-3.0的重复试验结果

    Figure  4.  Repeated test results of D-58-1.5-30-3.0

    图  轴压试验及低速冲击试验结果对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of test results between compression test and low-velocity impact test

    图  GFRP增强圆钢管有限元模型

    Figure  6.  Finite element model of GFRP reinforced circular steel tube

    图  落锤有限元模型

    Figure  7.  Finite element model of drop hammer

    图  钢管材性试验结果[2]

    Figure  8.  Material test result for steel tube[2]

    图  VUMAT子程序算法

    Figure  9.  Computational algorithm of the VUMAT subroutine

    图  10  仿真与试验试件损伤模式对比

    Figure  10.  Comparison between simulation and measured damage modes

    图  11  仿真及试验荷载-位移曲线对比

    Figure  11.  Compared load-displacement curves between simulation and low-velocity impact test

    图  12  D-58-2.0-90-4.5在不同情况下的仿真结果

    Figure  12.  Simulated results of D-58-2.0-90-4.5 with different situations

    图  14  仿真结果对比

    Figure  14.  Comparison of simulated result

    图  13  试件A-1~A-5的仿真结果

    Figure  13.  Simulated results of A-1–A-5

    表  1  试件设计尺寸

    Table  1.   Design size of tested specimens

    Specimen D×t/(mm×mm) [$\theta$/(°)]n tc/mm L/mm Type of test v/(m·s−1) Maximum strain rate/s−1
    S-58-1.5-30 58.0×1.5 [30/–30]3 2.0 100.0 Compression
    S-58-2.0-90 58.0×2.0 [90]6 2.0 100.0 Compression
    D-58-1.5-30-3.0 58.0×1.5 [30/–30]3 2.0 100.0 Impact 3.0 9.5
    D-58-1.5-30-4.5 58.0×1.5 [90]6 2.0 100.0 Impact 4.5 21.1
    D-58-2.0-90-4.5 58.0×2.0 [90]6 2.0 100.0 Impact 4.5 21.1
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    表  2  Johnson-Cook模型参数[2]

    Table  2.   Parameters of the Johnson-Cook model[2]

    A/MPa B/MPa n m Tm/K Tr/K
    272.28 899.7 0.94 0.1515 1795 293
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    表  3  Johnson-Cook断裂准则参数[2]

    Table  3.   Parameters of the Johnson-Cook fracture criterion[2]

    D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
    –43.408 44.608 0.016 0.0145 –0.046
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    表  4  初始失效准则及损伤演化法则[2]

    Table  4.   Initial failure criterions and damage evolution laws[2]

    Failure modes Initial failure criterions Damage evolution laws
    Fiber tensile failure $F_1^{\rm t} = {\left( {\dfrac{{\sigma {}_1}}{{{X_{\rm t}}}}} \right)^2} + {\left( {\dfrac{{\sigma {}_4}}{{{S_{12}}}}} \right)^2} + {\left( {\dfrac{{\sigma {}_6}}{{{S_{13}}}}} \right)^2} \geqslant 1{\rm{ }}$ $D_1^{\rm t} = \dfrac{{\varepsilon _1^{\rm {ft}}}}{{\varepsilon _1^{\rm {ft}} - \varepsilon _1^{\rm {it}}}}\left( {1 - \dfrac{{\varepsilon _1^{\rm {it}}}}{{{\varepsilon _1}}}} \right)$
    Fiber compression failure $F_1^{\rm c} = {\left( {\dfrac{{\sigma {}_1}}{{{X\rm_c}}}} \right)^2} \geqslant 1$ $D_1^{\rm c} = \dfrac{{\varepsilon _1^{\rm{fc}}}}{{\varepsilon _1^{\rm{fc}} - \varepsilon _1^{\rm{ic}}}}\left( {1 - \dfrac{{\varepsilon _1^{\rm{ic}}}}{{{\varepsilon _1}}}} \right)$
    Resin tensile failure $F_2^{\rm t} = {\left( {\dfrac{{\sigma {}_2}}{{{Y_{\rm t}}}}} \right)^2} + {\left( {\dfrac{{\sigma {}_4}}{{{S_{12}}}}} \right)^2} + {\left( {\dfrac{{\sigma {}_5}}{{{S_{23}}}}} \right)^2} \geqslant 1{\rm{ }}$ $D_2^{\rm t} = \dfrac{{\varepsilon _2^{\rm{ft}}}}{{\varepsilon _2^{\rm {ft}} - \varepsilon _2^{\rm{it}}}}\left({1 - \dfrac{{\varepsilon _2^{\rm{it}}}}{{{\varepsilon _2}}}} \right)$
    Resin compression failure $F_2^{\rm c} = {\left( {\dfrac{{{\tau _{nt}}\left( \theta \right)}}{{S_{23}^{\rm A} + {\mu _{nt}}{\sigma _n}\left( \theta \right)}}} \right)^2} + {\left( {\dfrac{{{\tau _{nl}}\left( \theta \right)}}{{{S_{12}} + {\mu _{nl}}{\sigma _n}\left( \theta \right)}}} \right)^2}$ $D_2^{\rm c} = \dfrac{{\gamma_{\rm r}^{\rm f}}}{{\gamma _{\rm r}^{\rm f} - \gamma _{\rm r}^{\rm i}}}\left( {1 - \dfrac{{\gamma _{\rm r}^{\rm i}}}{{{\gamma _r}}}} \right)$
    Stretch in-layer delamination $F_3^{\rm t} = {\left( {\dfrac{{{\sigma _3}}}{{{Z_{\rm t}}}}} \right)^2} + {\left( {\dfrac{{{\sigma _6}}}{{{S_{13}}}}} \right)^2} + {\left( {\dfrac{{{\sigma _5}}}{{{S_{23}}}}} \right)^2}$ $D_3^{\rm t} = \dfrac{{\varepsilon _3^{\rm ft}}}{{\varepsilon _3^{\rm ft} - \varepsilon _3^{\rm it}}}\left( {1 - \dfrac{{\varepsilon _3^{\rm it}}}{{{\varepsilon _3}}}} \right)$
    Compression in-layer delamination $F_3^{\rm c} = {\left( {\dfrac{{{\sigma _3}}}{{{Z_{\rm c}}}}} \right)^2} + {\left( {\dfrac{{{\sigma _6}}}{{{S_{13}}}}} \right)^2} + {\left( {\dfrac{{{\sigma _5}}}{{{S_{23}}}}} \right)^2}$ $D_3^{\rm c} = \dfrac{{\varepsilon _3^{\rm fc}}}{{\varepsilon _3^{\rm fc} - \varepsilon _3^{\rm ic}}}\left( {1 - \dfrac{{\varepsilon _3^{\rm ic}}}{{{\varepsilon _3}}}} \right)$
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    表  5  GFRP单向板材料性能[2]

    Table  5.   Material properties of GFRP unidirectional laminate[2]

    Modulus/GPa Poisson’s ratio Strength/MPa Fracture energy/(N·mm)
    E1=41.29; E2=E3=4.21; ${\nu}$12=${\nu}$13=0.31; Xt=884.5; Xc=837.17; Yt=Zt=37.38; ${\varGamma _1^{\rm t} = 28.25}$; ${\varGamma _1^{\rm c} = 80.1}$;
    G12=G13=3.16; G23=3.0 ${\nu}$23=0.42 Yc=Zc=145; S12=S13=44.765; S23=50.88 ${\varGamma _2^{\rm t} = \varGamma _3^{\rm t}= 0.36}$; ${\varGamma_2^{\rm c} = \varGamma_3^{\rm c}=7.24}$
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    表  6  界面性能参数[2]

    Table  6.   Parameters of cohesive behavior[2]

    Elastic properties/GPa Strength/MPa Fracture toughness/(N·mm−1) B-K parameter
    Knn=4210; Ktt=3160; Kll=3160 Tn=37.380; Tt=44.765; Tl=44.765 Gn=0.36; Gt=1.33; Gl=1.33 $\eta$=2.6
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    表  7  GFRP应变率效应模型所需参数

    Table  7.   Parameters for the model considering the strain rate effect of GFRP

    Parameter ${\alpha}$ ${\;\beta }$ ${\gamma}$ Parameter ${\alpha}$ ${\;\beta }$ ${\gamma}$
    E11/GPa 41.29 1.139 0.276 Xt/MPa 837.17 7.721 0.886
    E22/GPa 4.21 0.437 0.262 Yt/MPa 37.38 13.088 0.131
    G12/GPa 3.16 –0.941 0.054 Yc/MPa 145 0.11 1.278
    Xt/MPa 881.5 7.721 0.886 S/MPa 44.756 15.656 0.086
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    表  8  仿真试件设计

    Table  8.   Design of simulated specimens

    Specimen D/mm t/mm [$\theta$/(°)]n tc/mm L/mm Displacement/mm Loading speed/(m·s−1)
    A-1 58.0 2.0 [90]6 2.0 100 20.0 Quasi-static
    A-2 58.0 2.0 [90]6 2.0 100 20.0 2.0
    A-3 58.0 2.0 [90]6 2.0 100 20.0 4.0
    A-4 58.0 2.0 [90]6 2.0 100 20.0 6.0
    A-5 58.0 2.0 [90]6 2.0 100 20.0 8.0
    B-1 58.0 2.0 [90]6 3.0 100 20.0 Quasi-static
    B-2 58.0 2.0 [90]6 3.0 100 20.0 2.0
    B-3 58.0 2.0 [90]6 3.0 100 20.0 4.0
    B-4 58.0 2.0 [90]6 3.0 100 20.0 6.0
    B-5 58.0 2.0 [90]6 3.0 100 20.0 8.0
    C-1 58.0 3.0 [90]6 2.0 100 20.0 Quasi-static
    C-2 58.0 3.0 [90]6 2.0 100 20.0 2.0
    C-3 58.0 3.0 [90]6 2.0 100 20.0 4.0
    C-4 58.0 3.0 [90]6 2.0 100 20.0 6.0
    C-5 58.0 3.0 [90]6 2.0 100 20.0 8.0
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