Anti-Explosion Performance of Different Anti-Explosion Structures under Gas Explosion in Pipe Gallery
摘要: 地下管廊是城市地下空间的重要组成部分,若燃气在地下管廊输送过程中泄漏进入管廊内部并引起爆炸,将会产生严重的后果。以平潭综合试验区环岛路管线工程为背景,基于流固耦合和ALE(Arbitarty Lagrange Euler)多物质算法,采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件建立管廊结构和土体的三维模型,研究地下管廊内燃气爆炸作用下敷设“泡沫铝”抗爆结构和“钢板-泡沫铝-钢板”夹芯抗爆结构的抗爆性能以及管廊的动力响应,并分析不同抗爆结构对管廊结构的应力和变形影响以及抗爆结构的吸能能力。结果表明:爆炸荷载作用下,燃气仓内墙上距离爆炸荷载最近的结构首先发生破坏,随着爆炸进程的发展,燃气仓内墙与外墙连接处也发生破坏;敷设泡沫铝和泡沫铝夹芯结构可以降低廊体结构的损伤,其中又以泡沫铝夹芯结构效果最佳;在泡沫铝夹芯抗爆结构中,结构应力衰减最快,测点应力峰值与无任何抗爆结构的管廊相比降低了67.35%,而在泡沫铝抗爆结构中应力峰值仅降低了43.99%;关于抗爆结构吸能方面,在无任何抗爆结构的管廊内,管廊动能峰值为0.11 kJ,而复合抗爆结构管廊的动能峰值仅为0.021 kJ,与无任何抗爆结构的管廊相比,动能降低了80.9%。综合研究发现,管廊内敷设泡沫铝夹芯结构时吸能和抵抗爆炸冲击波能力最佳。Abstract: The project of loop pipeline in Pingtan test area is used as the engineering background. To compare the anti-explosion performance of " foam aluminum” and " steel plate-foamed aluminum-steel plate” anti-explosion structure under gas explosion, a 3D pipe gallery and soil structure is studied and analyzed by ANSYS/LS-DYNA. The results show that: the structure closest to the explosion gas on the internal wall is broken down at first followed by the damaging of the joint structure of interior and exterior wall in the gas cabin. The stress in the aluminum foam sandwich structure attenuates most quickly. Measuring point peak stress can be reduced as much as 67.35% by aluminum foam sandwich structure compared with no explosion-proof structure. Measuring point peak stress is reduced by 43.99% by aluminum foam structure. The kinetic energy peak value of gallery without anti-explosion is 0.11 kJ. The kinetic energy peak value of gallery with aluminum foam sandwich is 0.021 kJ. By comparison to the gallery without any explosion-proof structure, the kinetic energy is reduced by 80.9%. A comprehensive suggestion is that, laying aluminum foam and aluminum foam core material can reduce the damage of the corridor structure, and the aluminum foam sandwich structure behaves the best.
表 1 土壤材料参数
Table 1. Parameters of soil material
Material Thickness/
kPaInternal friction
ratioPlain fill 130 1.8 6 10 0.0042 0.30 Completely decomposed granite 210 1.9 20 25 0.02 0.24 Sandy strongly weathered granite 620 2.0 30 32 54 0.21 Material $\rho $/(kg·m–3) C0/MPa C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 E0/(MJ·m–3) V0 Air 1.234 –0.1 0 0 0 0.400 0.400 0 0.250 1.0 CH4-Air 1.293 0 0 0 0 0.274 0.274 0 3.408 1.0 表 3 混凝土和钢材料参数
Table 3. Parameters of concrete and steel
Material Density/
strength/MPaReinforced concrete 2.5 30 0.22 33.8 12.5 3.5 Steel 7.9 220 0.30 314 20 600 -
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