
董琪 韦灼彬 唐廷 李凌锋 刘靖晗

董琪, 韦灼彬, 唐廷, 李凌锋, 刘靖晗. 港池环境近水面水下爆炸特性及其毁伤效应[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(4): 045103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180638
引用本文: 董琪, 韦灼彬, 唐廷, 李凌锋, 刘靖晗. 港池环境近水面水下爆炸特性及其毁伤效应[J]. 高压物理学报, 2019, 33(4): 045103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180638
DONG Qi, WEI Zhuobin, TANG Ting, LI Lingfeng, LIU Jinghan. Loading Characteristics and Damage Effect of Near-Surface Underwater Explosion in Harbor Basin[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(4): 045103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180638
Citation: DONG Qi, WEI Zhuobin, TANG Ting, LI Lingfeng, LIU Jinghan. Loading Characteristics and Damage Effect of Near-Surface Underwater Explosion in Harbor Basin[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2019, 33(4): 045103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180638


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180638
基金项目: 军队后勤科研计划项目(CHJ13J006)

    董 琪(1990-),男,博士研究生,主要从事港口工程、防护工程研究. E-mail:dq_1990@163.com


    唐 廷(1980-),男,博士,讲师,主要从事港口工程、防护工程研究. E-mail:kublai@126.com

  • 中图分类号: O381; O383.2

Loading Characteristics and Damage Effect of Near-Surface Underwater Explosion in Harbor Basin

  • 摘要: 为研究港池环境近水面水下爆炸载荷及其对码头结构的损伤特性,设计了一种典型码头结构,并构建港池环境,运用LS-DYNA程序开展水下爆炸数值模拟研究,对爆炸现象、荷载特性、结构动态响应和能量吸收特性4个方面进行了详细研究,分析了边界、比例爆距等参数的影响规律。结果表明:爆炸气泡脉动主要受到码头结构边界和水面的影响,水底和有限港池内的流体运动对其亦有一定影响;冲击波荷载以比例爆深为中心呈垂向对称分布,气泡脉动荷载主要分布于比例爆深以下位置;结构变形和毁伤主要在冲击波传播阶段形成,气泡脉动和射流的二次毁伤效果较弱;混凝土和沉箱内填土是主要能量吸收部分。


  • 图  港池内水下爆炸环境示意图

    Figure  1.  Diagram of the environment of underwater explosion in harbor basin

    图  有限元计算模型(单位:cm)

    Figure  2.  FEM calculation model (Unit: cm)

    图  码头结构三视图和剖面图(单位:cm)

    Figure  3.  Three views and sectional views of wharf(Unit: cm)

    图  炸药及测点位置

    Figure  4.  Positions of explosive and measure point

    图  工况1气泡形态图

    Figure  5.  Configuration changing process of bubble in Condition 1

    图  工况5气泡形态图

    Figure  9.  Configuration changing process of bubble in Condition 5

    图  工况2气泡形态图

    Figure  6.  Configuration changing process of bubble in Condition 2

    图  工况3气泡形态图

    Figure  7.  Configuration changing process of bubble in Condition 3

    图  工况4气泡形态图

    Figure  8.  Configuration changing process of bubble in Condition 4

    图  10  荷载沿水深分布

    Figure  10.  Load distribution at different depth

    图  11  工况1中结构变形与毁伤过程

    Figure  11.  Process of the deformation and damage of structure in Condition 1

    图  12  工况3中结构变形与毁伤过程

    Figure  12.  Process of the deformation and damage of structure in Condition 3

    表  1  主要部位混凝土厚度及配筋情况

    Table  1.   Concrete thickness and matching bar condition of main members

    Position Concrete thickness/cm Reinforcement situation Cover thickness/cm
    Cabin ex-wall 60 Double two way, $\varnothing$2.2 cm,@ 60 cm 20
    Breast wall 60 Double two way, $\varnothing$2.2 cm,@ 60 cm 20
    Partition 60 No reinforcement
    Cabin floor 60 No reinforcement
    Sealed plate 30 No reinforcement
    Face plate 30 No reinforcement
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    表  2  材料参数[11-12]

    Table  2.   Material parameters[11-12]

    Material $ \rho $a0/(kg·m–3) Ea/(MJ·kg–1) C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
    Air 1.293 0.25 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.4 0
    Material $ \rho $w0/(kg·m–3) C/(m·s–1) S1 S2 S3 $\gamma $0
    Water 1000 1480 2.56 –1.986 1.2268 0.5
    Material $\rho $e0/(kg·m–3) A/GPa B/GPa $\omega $ R1 R2 D/(m·s–1) pCJ/GPa
    Explosive 1654 374 3.23 0.3 4.15 0.95 6390 27
    Material $ \rho $s0/(kg·m–3) Es/MPa Gs/MPa
    Soil 1860 22.4 8
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    表  3  填土参数[14]

    Table  3.   Parameters of backfill[14]

    $\rho $0/(kg·m–3) E/MPa G/MPa Yield stress/MPa Cutoff pressure/MPa Failure strain
    1800 47.38 16.01 7.70 –0.70 1.2
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    表  4  钢筋材料参数

    Table  4.   Parameters of steel bar

    Initial yield
    Strain rate
    7.85 0.3 335 210 1.2 40 5 0.12 0
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    表  5  C40混凝土HJC模型参数

    Table  5.   Parameters of C40 concrete used in HJC model

    $ \rho $/(kg·m–3) G/GPa Fc'/MPa A B C N
    2440 11.01 31.60 0.79 1.6 0.007 0.61
    Smax D1 D2 EFMIN T/MPa Pcrush/MPa $ \mu $crush
    7.0 0.036 1.0 0.0080 3.49 10.53 0.0013
    Plock/GPa ${\mu _{{\rm{lock}}}} $ k1/GPa k2/GPa k3/GPa ${{\dot \varepsilon }_0}/{{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ fs
    0.80 0.11 85 –171 208 1 0.004
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    表  6  C45混凝土HJC模型参数

    Table  6.   Parameters of C45 concrete used in HJC model

    $ {\rho _0}$/(kg·m-3) G/GPa Fc'/MPa A B C N
    2440 11.68 35.55 0.79 1.6 0.007 0.61
    Smax D1 D2 EFMIN T/MPa Pcrush/MPa $ {\mu _{\rm crush}}$
    7.0 0.037 1.0 0.0085 3.70 11.85 0.0014
    Plock/GPa ${\mu _{{\rm{lock}}}} $ k1/GPa k2/GPa k3/GPa $ {{\dot \varepsilon }_0}/{{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ fs
    0.80 0.11 85 –171 208 1 0.004
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    表  7  工况设置

    Table  7.   Simluation conditions

    Condition Explosive position W/kg R/m H/m D/m $ \overline R $/(m·kg–1/3) $\overline H $/(m·kg–1/3) $ \overline D $/(m·kg–1/3)
    1 C1 100 2 3 0 0.43 0.65 0
    2 C2 100 4 3 0 0.86 0.65 0
    3 C3 100 6 3 0 1.29 0.65 0
    4 C4 100 8 3 0 1.72 0.65 0
    5 C5 100 10 3 0 2.16 0.65 0
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    表  8  气泡脉动规律

    Table  8.   Pattern of bubble impulse

    Condition ${\bar R}$/(m·kg–1/3) tre/s Maximum shape Dre/m t1/s Minimum shape t2/s tb/s
    1 0.43 0.24 Semi pyriform cavity 7.8 Irregular discrete bubble 0.18
    2 0.86 0.34 Semi pyriform cavity 10.0 Irregularly multiconnected domain 0.42
    3 1.29 0.32 Offside platy pyriform cavity 11.4 0.78 Cyclic multiconnected domain 1.50 0.58
    4 1.72 0.32 Vertical symmetry pyriform cavity 12.0 0.78 Cyclic multiconnected domain 1.38 1.48
    5 2.16 0.32 Vertical symmetry pyriform cavity 12.2 0.78 Cyclic multiconnected domain 1.42 2.52
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    表  9  码头结构各部分吸收能量

    Table  9.   Energy absorption of different parts of the harbor basin

    $ \overline R$/(m·kg–1/3) Ec/MJ $ {\eta _{ {\rm{c} }} }$/% Ecs/MJ ${\eta _{{\rm{cs}}}} $/% Es/MJ ${\eta _{{\rm{s}}}} $/% Ets/MJ $ {\eta _{{\rm{ts}}}}$/% Esum/MJ
    0.43 5.08 57.44 3.56 40.29 0.1306 1.48 0.0703 0.79 8.84
    0.86 1.97 44.30 2.41 54.16 0.0069 0.15 0.0618 1.39 4.46
    1.29 0.81 29.98 1.85 68.19 0.0014 0.05 0.0485 1.78 2.71
    1.72 0.36 19.03 1.49 78.97 0.0003 0.01 0.0374 1.99 1.88
    2.16 0.19 12.72 1.26 85.41 0.0002 0.02 0.0272 1.85 1.47
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