Improving Head Lid Structure Enhance Damage Effect of Aviation Bomb
摘要: 在不改变原型航空炸弹的质量特性和其他舱段功能特性的前提下,为有效利用航空炸弹的辅助舱段头罩,改进设计头罩成为内部装配破片的新结构,通过隔舱战斗部实现头罩破片的有效加载,毁伤面积提高20%以上,加强了航空炸弹对于理论落点和炸点投影点周围地面目标的有效打击。Abstract: Without changing the mass characteristics and other cabin features of a prototype, the damage area of aviation bomb can be increased by more than 20% via designing a new structure of internal fragments assembly in the head lid and effectively loading this head lid by compartment cabin. These two measures make effective use of head lid. The damage caused by aviation bomb to the ground targets near the expected fall point and blast point is also enhanced.
Key words:
- ammunition engineering /
- aviation bomb /
- damage area /
- fragment
表 1 原型头罩与改进头罩的对比
Table 1. Comparison of the prototype and improved head lids
Head lid Mass/kg Center of mass/mm
(from the head)Shell Number of
fragmentsScatters angle/(°) The prototype 3.5 100 Alloy steel Less fragments The improved 3.5 100 Nonmetal 875 ≈100 表 2 COMP B炸药的材料参数
Table 2. Material parameters of COMP B explosive
$ \rho/\left( {{\rm{g}} \cdot {{\rm{cm}}^{ - 3}}} \right)$ p/GPa D/(m·s–1) K A/GPa B/GPa $ \omega $ R1 R2 e0/(GJ·m–3) 1.72 29.5 7980 3.0 524.2 7.68 0.34 4.2 1.1 8.5 表 3 有机玻璃的材料参数
Table 3. Material parameters of PMMA
$ \rho /\left( {{\rm{kg}} \cdot {{\rm{m}}^{ - 3}}} \right)$ E C0 S1 1257 150 1.18 1.319 表 4 空气的材料参数
Table 4. Material parameters of air
$ \rho /\left( {{\rm{kg}} \cdot {{\rm{m}}^{ - 3}}} \right)$ $ \gamma$ T0/℃ CV/(J·kg–1·K–1) 1.225 1.4 288 717.5 表 5 钢的材料参数
Table 5. Material parameters of steel
$ \rho /\left( {{\rm{kg}} \cdot {{\rm{m}}^{ - 3}}} \right)$ G0/GPa $ {\sigma _0}/{\rm{MPa}}$ $ \beta $ n $ {\sigma _{\rm{m}}}/{\rm{MPa}}$ Tm0/℃ C0 S1 $ \gamma$ 7896 81.8 350 27.5 0.36 1052 1811 0.394 1.49 2.17 表 6 硬铝的材料参数
Table 6. Material parameters of duralumin
$ \rho /\left( {{\rm{kg}} \cdot {{\rm{m}}^{ - 3}}} \right)$ G0/GPa $ {\sigma _0}/{\rm{MPa}}$ $ \beta $ n $ {\sigma _{\rm{m}}}/{\rm{MPa}}$ Tm0/℃ C0 S1 $ \gamma$ 2785 26.9 290 31.0 0.18 810 638 0.52 1.36 2.2 -
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