Vibration Velocities of Anchorage Caverns with Cracks under Top Explosion
摘要: 基于相似模型试验,利用数值分析方法研究了含裂隙锚固洞室在顶爆作用下质点峰值振速的分布规律,并探讨了裂隙倾角和长度对峰值振速的影响。结果表明:裂隙和洞室表面在迎爆侧存在振速放大效应,洞室两侧和底部振速远小于拱顶;随着裂隙长度的增加,锚固洞室拱顶、拱脚和两帮峰值振速先减小后增加再减小,除了长度较短的情况,裂隙的存在使锚固洞室拱顶的峰值振速增加;随着裂隙向右倾斜的倾角增加,拱脚和两帮的峰值振速出现不对称,洞室右边的拱脚和侧帮峰值振速大于左边;拱顶峰值振速先减小后增加,倾角为45°时拱顶峰值振速最小,相较无裂隙洞室降低了48.2%,有效减弱了结构的动力响应。Abstract: Based on the similar model test, we studied the peak particle vibration velocity (vp) of the crack-containing anchorage caverns under top explosion using numerical analysis method, and discussed the influence of the crack’s inclination angle and length on vp. The results show a vibration velocity-amplification effect on the crack and cavern surface of the blast side, vp of both sides and bottom of the cavern are much smaller than that of the vault. As the crack length increases, vp of the vault, arch springing and side walls of the anchoring cavern first decrease and then increase and decrease again. The existence of the crack amplifies the arch vp of the anchoring cavern except for the short-length crack condition. As the inclination angle of the crack leans to right, vp of the arch springing and the side walls become asymmetrical, vp of the right arch springing (or right side wall) is greater than that of the left side. The vp of the vault first decreases and then increases as the inclination angle increases, its minimum occurs when the inclination angle is 45°, which is 48.2% lower than that of the non-crack cavity, suggesting that the dynamic response of the structure is effectively weakened.
Key words:
- underground engineering /
- blast loads /
- anchorage caverns /
- opening crack /
- vibration velocity
表 1 CDP模型参数
Table 1. Parameters of CDP model
Density/(g·cm-3) $E$/GPa μ Dilation angle/(°) Eccentricity σb0/σc0 K Viscosity paramenter 1.8 2.03 0.16 25 0.1 1.16 0.666 67 0 表 2 洞室质点峰值振动速度
Table 2. Particle peak vibration velocity of cavern
Inclination angle Particle peak vibration velocity/(m·s-1) Vault Left arch springing Right arch springing Left side wall Right side wall Floor Non-crack 1.64 0.88 0.88 0.49 0.49 0.15 0° 2.04 0.67 0.67 0.51 0.51 0.19 30° 1.25 0.51 0.57 0.43 0.44 0.17 45° 0.85 0.44 0.67 0.42 0.49 0.15 60° 0.96 0.53 0.76 0.42 0.52 0.16 90° 1.45 0.77 0.77 0.49 0.49 0.15 -
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