Study on Minimal Charge Explosive Driving Two Mass Load
摘要: 根据瞬时爆轰理论,在极小装填比(C/M)条件下进行了小质量装药驱动大质量载荷运动研究,理论分析了弱约束和强约束装药条件下载荷驱动速度。弱约束装药条件下在格尼方程基础上通过考虑装药壳体径向飞散获得二维炸药驱动载荷运动的计算模型,强约束条件下按照爆轰产物等熵膨胀理论获得大质量载荷驱动速度的计算模型。开展了两种约束条件下爆炸驱动大质量载荷的运动试验研究,弱约束条件下,载荷驱动速度随着装药长径比减小而增大;强约束条件下,载荷驱动速度随着装药量增加而增大,随装药腔体与运动腔体直径比增大而增大。Abstract: According to the instantaneous detonation, under the minimal charge ratio (C/M) condition, we study that small-mass explosives drive mass load to move.The load driving speed is deduced under the charge conditions subjected to weak constraint and strong constraint.Under the weak constraint charge condition, considering the radial scattering of the charge shells, the two-dimensional calculation model of the load motion of the explosives is obtained base on Gurney equations.Under the strong constraint condition, according to the entropy expansion of the detonation product, the calculation model of the mass loading driven speed is obtained.The motion test of the mass driven by the detonation is carried out under two kinds of constraints.Under the weak constraint condition, the load driving speed increases with the decrease of the length-diameter ratio of charge.Under the strong constraint condition, the load driving speed increases with the increase of the charge weight, and with the increase of the diameter ratio of the charge cavity and the moving cavity.
Key words:
- explosive drive /
- minimal charge ratio /
- entropy expansion /
- driving speed
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