Computational Analysis of RM Instability with Inverse Chevron Interface
摘要: 利用可压缩多介质黏性流动和湍流大涡模拟代码(MVFT),在超算平台上对“反尖端”界面不稳定性及其诱发的湍流混合问题进行了大规模三维数值模拟分析。数值模拟结果清晰地显示了冲击波加载界面后分解产生的冲击波、稀疏波、压缩波及其在SF6气体中的运动和相互作用,以及波多次加载界面的复杂过程,波和界面的每一次作用都会加速湍流混合区的发展和物质混合。“反尖端”界面受冲击波加载后发生反相而形成典型的大尺度壁面气泡和中心轴尖钉结构,该大尺度结构基本确定了湍流混合区的平均几何特征和包络范围而不依赖计算网格。高分辨率的计算网格下,捕捉到了更精细的小尺度湍涡结构和更强的湍流脉动,显示了湍流混合区所具有的复杂结构和特征。Abstract: By using our in-house large-eddy simulation code, the MVFT (multi-viscous-flow and turbulence), we simulated the Richtmyer-Meshkov (RM) instability and turbulent mixed with the inverse chevron interface on a 3D large scale on the HPC (high performance computing) platform. The results revealed the propagations of the decomposed shock wave, the rarefaction wave, the compression wave and the interactions between the waves and the perturbed interface. Each impact of on the wave on the interface accelerates the evolution of the turbulent mixing zone and the materials’ mixing. The inverse chevron interface inverts its phase after the first transmitted shock wave in the SF6 zone hits it, then two wall bubbles and a centerline spike with large scale develop gradually. The averaged geometry feature and the envelop of turbulent mixing zone are determined by the large-scale wall bubbles and the centerline spike and are independent of the mesh. But with the higher grid resolution, more subtle small scale turbulent eddies and intense turbulent fluctuations are captured, characterizing the turbulent mixing zone as possessing a complex structure.
Key words:
- large-eddy simulation /
- interface instability /
- turbulent mixing /
- turbulent eddy
表 1 空气和SF6的初始参数
Table 1. Initial properties of air and SF6
Gas ρ/(kg·m–3) p/MPa γ μl/(Pa·s) Diffusion coefficient/(m2·s–1) SF6 5.97 0.1 1.09 1.474 6×10–5 0.97×10-5 Air 1.18 0.1 1.40 1.852 6×10–5 2.04×10–5 -
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