Pressure-Induced Electrical Transport Anomaly, Structure Evolution and Vibration Change in Layered Material 1T-TiTe2

GU Kemin YAN Hao KE Feng DENG Wen XU Jianing CHEN Bin

古可民, 晏浩, 柯峰, 邓文, 许家宁, 陈斌. 压力诱导的层状结构二碲化钛电输运性质、结构演变和振动性质的变化[J]. 高压物理学报, 2018, 32(6): 061101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180568
引用本文: 古可民, 晏浩, 柯峰, 邓文, 许家宁, 陈斌. 压力诱导的层状结构二碲化钛电输运性质、结构演变和振动性质的变化[J]. 高压物理学报, 2018, 32(6): 061101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180568
GU Kemin, YAN Hao, KE Feng, DENG Wen, XU Jianing, CHEN Bin. Pressure-Induced Electrical Transport Anomaly, Structure Evolution and Vibration Change in Layered Material 1T-TiTe2[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2018, 32(6): 061101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180568
Citation: GU Kemin, YAN Hao, KE Feng, DENG Wen, XU Jianing, CHEN Bin. Pressure-Induced Electrical Transport Anomaly, Structure Evolution and Vibration Change in Layered Material 1T-TiTe2[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2018, 32(6): 061101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180568

Pressure-Induced Electrical Transport Anomaly, Structure Evolution and Vibration Change in Layered Material 1T-TiTe2

doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180568
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    Author Bio:

    GU Kemin(1992-), male, master, major in condensed matter physics.

    Corresponding author: CHEN Bin(1950-), male, Ph. D, one thousand talent, expertise in material science.
  • 摘要: 系统地研究了层状二碲化钛在压力(至43.4 GPa)作用下的电输运、晶格振动和结构性质。室温下样品的电阻率在6、13和22 GPa附近表现出一系列的异常。为更好地研究二碲化钛的电子结构,测试了样品的低温电阻,在约6 GPa处观察到超导转变。综合拉曼光谱和X射线衍射(XRD)实验结果发现:二碲化钛在6 GPa附近可能发生拓扑相变;继续加压至约13 GPa,样品发生从三角晶系到单斜晶系的结构相变,相变到22 GPa附近完全结束。XRD数据与电输运结果相互印证,揭示了样品在压力诱导下的结构演变和电子结构变化。因此,二碲化钛为人们了解过渡金属二硫化物提供了一个全新的视角。


  • Figure  1.  (a) XRD pattern of powder TiTe2 collected at ambient condition; (b) Trigonal P3m1 structure of TiTe2(Yellow and blue balls represent Ti and Te atom respectively.)

    Figure  2.  Room-temperature resistivity changes with pressure(The black dots and red circles are compression anddecompression data, respectively. Inset is thesetup of this measurement.)

    Figure  3.  (a) Resistance of TiTe2 between 2-300 K measured at various pressures; (b) Low-temperature regime of the resistivity of TiTe2 under high pressure up to 36.8 GPa

    Figure  4.  (a) Synchrotron XRD patterns of TiTe2 collected at various pressures up to 43.4 GPa; (b) Representative refinement of patterns collected at 1.0 GPa and (c) 22.4 GPa

    Figure  5.  Normalized lattice parameters a/a0, c/c0, V/V0 and c/a ratio of TiTe2 (A minimum ofthe ratio can be seen at around 6 GPa)

    Figure  6.  Room temperature resistivity, structural and superconductivity phase diagram of TiTe2 (The blue andred line represent Run 1 and Run 2 of superconductingphase respectively. The brown line shows the resistivityanomaly and superconductivity emergence at about 6 GPa.)

    Figure  7.  (a) Raman spectra of TiTe2 up to 10 GPa (A new peak emerged at a relatively low external pressure of 0.7 GPa); (b) Raman peaks of TiTe2 (A phonon softening can be seen from 4-10 GPa)

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