Anti-explosion Performance and Failure Mechanism of Fiber-Metal Laminates
摘要: 采用爆炸冲击摆锤系统,对玄武岩纤维-铝合金层合板和碳纤维-铝合金层合板进行了爆炸加载实验。实验中通过改变炸药质量获得不同的加载冲量,分析了载荷冲量、结构组合形式以及纤维类型对纤维金属层合板变形/失效模式的影响。实验中观察到分层、基质失效、金属撕裂、塑性大变形等典型的变形失效模式。实验结果表明:随着冲量的增加,纤维金属层合板中铝合金层的塑性变形以及纤维层的损伤区域不断增大;纤维金属层合板相对于单一的金属层合板具有更优异的抗冲击性能。Abstract: In this work we performed blast loading tests on basalt fiber-aluminum alloy laminates and carbon fiber-aluminum alloy laminate using an explosion impact pendulum system and obtained different loading impulses by changing the quality of the explosive, thereby analyzing the influences of load impulse, structure combination and fiber type on the deformation/failure mode of fiber metal laminates and revealing the laminates’ typical failure modes such as delamination, matrix failure, metal tear and plastic deformation. The experimental results showed that the plastic deformations of the aluminum alloy layer in the fiber metal laminate and the damage area of the fiber layer increase with the increase of the impulse, and the fiber metal laminates have better impact resistance than that of the single metal laminate.
Key words:
- fiber metal laminate /
- blast load /
- deformation/failure modes /
- blast resistance
表 1 材料属性
Table 1. Mechanical property of materials
Material Type ρ/(g·m–2) σb/GPa E/GPa h/mm σs/MPa ε/% ν Aluminum alloy Al-6061 810 0.124 68.9 0.30 103 12.0 0.33 Carbon fiber cloth HexForceTM 282 197 4.654 231 0.26 1.8 Basalt fiber cloth FGMW0002 210 4.300 100 0.15 3.1 表 2 FML爆炸实验结果
Table 2. Experimental results of FMLs
Sample configuration ms/g H/mm me/g I/(N·s) γ/mm A3 218.2 0.94 5.0 5.07 A/B2/A 223.8 0.95 5.0 5.42 36.95 A/B2/A 203.2 0.91 3.0 4.32 29.96 A/B2/A 214.8 0.94 1.0 1.16 5.01 A/C2/A 220.2 1.02 5.0 5.35 32.55 A/C2/A 225.3 1.07 3.0 4.23 26.64 A/C2/A 214.8 1.05 1.0 1.69 4.36 A/B2/A/B2/A 424.6 1.71 9.0 13.13 28.41 A/B2/A/B2/A 398.5 1.67 7.0 8.39 17.57 A/B2/A/B2/A 406.2 1.67 5.0 5.31 8.21 A/C2/A/C2/A 349.4 1.86 9.0 12.96 24.88 A/C2/A/C2/A 348.5 1.85 7.0 8.32 21.35 A/C2/A/C2/A 348.6 1.84 5.0 5.06 6.24 -
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