Preparation of Cobalt-Doped Magnesium Oxide Pressure-Transmitting Medium with Solid Reaction Process
摘要: 以氧化镁(MgO)和氧化钴(CoO)为初始材料,利用固相反应方法,经8 h的混料、200 MPa的预压以及在空气氛围下1 200℃的烧结等步骤,成功制备出钴的摩尔分数为9%的氧化镁传压介质(MgO+9% CoO)。采用X射线粉末衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜以及热重分析仪对样品进行表征,结果表明:在烧结过程中混合粉料之间发生了反应,金属离子相互交换,钴离子取代MgO晶格中的部分镁离子,从而形成MgO-CoO固溶体。与目前国产MgO传压介质(MgO+10% Na4SiO4(质量分数))相比,实验制备的钴掺杂MgO传压介质不含杂质,高温高压下更稳定,并且温度发生效率更高。
- 固相反应 /
- 高温高压 /
- MgO-CoO固溶体 /
- 传压介质 /
- 温度发生效率
Abstract: In this study, magnesium oxide (MgO) doped by cobalt (Co) was prepared as pressure-transmitting medium, by solid reaction process.The starting material is a pre-compressed mixture of MgO and cobalt oxide (CoO), which was mixed for 8 h and compressed at 200 MPa, and then treated at 1 200℃.The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis.The results demonstrate that during the sintering process, the reaction between MgO and CoO was completed and the exchange of metal ions between MgO and CoO leads to a single solid solution phase.Compared to the domestic products (MgO+10wt% Na4SiO4), there is no impurity found in Co-doped MgO, which is more stable than the domestic products under high pressure and high-temperature.In addition, the temperature-generation efficiency of the cell assembly with MgO+9mol% CoO as pressure-transmitting medium is also higher than that of the domestic products. -
图 2 混合粉料经不同温度处理后(a)以及MgO+9%CoO和MgO+10%Na4SiO4在12 GPa/2 000 ℃、12 GPa/1 800 ℃条件下处理前后(b)的XRD谱(图 2(b)中的温度为腔体中心温度)
Figure 2. XRD patterns of powder mixture treated at different temperatures (a) and MgO+9%CoO and MgO+10%Na4SiO4 before and after being treated at 12 GPa/2 000 ℃ and 12 GPa/1 800 ℃ (b) (The temperature in Fig. 2(b) represents the central temperature of the cell)
表 1 块体样品的压制及烧结情况
Table 1. Experimental details of pressing and sintering of bulk samples
No. Load/
(mm×mm×mm)Cracking Density/
(g·cm-3)1 100 39×39×25 No 2.3 2 160 39×39×23 No 2.3 3 160 39×39×23 No 2.3 4 160 39×39×23 No 2.3 5 160 39×39×23 No 2.3 6 240 39×39×24 No 2.4 7 240 39×39×23 No 2.4 8 240 39×39×23 No 2.4 9 240 39×39×23 No 2.4 -
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