Effect of High Pressure Processing with Different Holding Time on the Quality of Pomfret (Pampus argenteus) Fillets

LAN Weiqing WANG Meng CHE Xu SUN Xiaohong CHEN Yangyi XIE Jing

蓝蔚青, 王蒙, 车旭, 孙晓红, 陈扬易, 谢晶. 保压时间对超高压鲳鱼片冷藏期间品质变化的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2018, 32(6): 065301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180549
引用本文: 蓝蔚青, 王蒙, 车旭, 孙晓红, 陈扬易, 谢晶. 保压时间对超高压鲳鱼片冷藏期间品质变化的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2018, 32(6): 065301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180549
LAN Weiqing, WANG Meng, CHE Xu, SUN Xiaohong, CHEN Yangyi, XIE Jing. Effect of High Pressure Processing with Different Holding Time on the Quality of Pomfret (Pampus argenteus) Fillets[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2018, 32(6): 065301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180549
Citation: LAN Weiqing, WANG Meng, CHE Xu, SUN Xiaohong, CHEN Yangyi, XIE Jing. Effect of High Pressure Processing with Different Holding Time on the Quality of Pomfret (Pampus argenteus) Fillets[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2018, 32(6): 065301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180549

Effect of High Pressure Processing with Different Holding Time on the Quality of Pomfret (Pampus argenteus) Fillets

doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180549

China Agriculture Research System CARS-47-G26

Shanghai Promote Agriculture by Applying Scientific & Technological Advances Projects 2016No.1-1

Ability Promotion Project of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission Engineering Center 16DZ2280300

Public Service Platform Constuction Project for Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission 17DZ2293400

More Information
    Author Bio:

    LAN Weiqing(1977-), male, doctor, associate professor, major in aquatic products preservation technology. E-mail:wqlan@shou.edu.cn

    Corresponding author: XIE Jing(1968-), female, doctor, professor, doctoral supervisor, major in aquatic products preservation technology. E-mail:jxie@shou.edu.cn
  • 摘要: 为研究保压时间对超高压鲳鱼片冷藏期间品质变化的影响,以未做任何处理样品作为对照组(CK),研究在200 MPa的超高压条件下,通过10 min(HPP10)、20 min(HPP20)与30 min(HPP30)的保压时间处理后样品的品质变化,每隔2 d分别对各组样品的微生物指标(Total Viable Count,TVC)、理化指标(pH值、总挥发性盐基氮(Total Volatile Base Nitrogen,TVB-N)、色差、持水力(Water Holding Capacity,WHC)与质构分析(Texture Profile Analysis,TPA)与感官分值进行测定。结果表明,样品经过超高压处理后,其在贮藏期间的微生物生长、蛋白质降解与汁液流失得到明显抑制,其质构特性得以保持。指标间相关性分析结果显示,△E、pH值、TVB-N和TVC等相关性好。经200 MPa、30 min超高压处理能使冷藏鲳鱼片的货架期由4 d延至8~12 d。


  • Figure  1.  Variations of TVC in pomfret fillets during refrigerated storage

    Figure  2.  Variations of TPA in pomfret fillets during refrigerated storage

    Figure  3.  Variations of sensory evaluation in pomfret fillets during refrigerated storage

    Table  1.   Sensory evaluation of pomfret (Pampus argenteus) fillets

    Best(5) Extremely bright Fresh flavor Extremely firm Rich in elasticity
    Better(4) Very bright Fresh seaweed flavor Very firm Very elasticity
    Normal(3) Moderately bright Moderate seaweed flavor Moderately firm Moderate elasticity
    Worse(2) Slightly dull No flavor Slightly soft Slightly elasticity
    Worst(1) Very dull Spoiled flavor Very soft Inelastic
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    Table  2.   Variations of pH value, TVB-N, Δ E and WHC in pomfret fillets during refrigerated storage

    Storage time/d Storage time/d TVB-N/(mgN/100g) ΔE WWHC/%
    0 6.92±0.02bB 6.91±0.01bC 6.90±0.02aA 6.92±0.01aA 19.24±1.98aA 18.16±0.51aB 14.49±2.11aC 13.93±0.89abC 51.23±0.68aA 47.22±6.30aB 41.88±0.42bB 38.80±1.55bC 9.23±1.01bC 11.05±1.48bB 12.47±1.33bB 15.04±1.29bA
    2 6.86±0.00bcC 6.88±0.05aA 6.87±0.06aB 6.90±0.01aB 23.49±1.80acB 19.72±1.87acC 15.70±0.74acA 14.24±0.96abA 52.05±2.29aA 47.53±0.81aB 44.79±1.21bB 40.07±2.25bC 9.04±1.36bC 10.29±1.95bB 11.16±1.33bB 14.36±1.27bA
    4 6.87±0.00bcB 6.86±0.02aC 6.82±0.01bA 6.88±0.06bA 30.48±4.07bA 21.20±1.27bC 19.69±0.10bB 17.31±0.64cB 53.56±4.00aA 49.47±1.26aB 46.81±0.86abB 43.59±2.15abC 8.74±1.32cC 9.56±1.79aA 10.22±1.39cA 12.41±1.12cB
    6 7.00±0.01aA 6.94±0.00bC 6.84±0.00bB 6.90±0.01bB 35.53±3.65cA 27.23±1.54cC 23.50±2.35cB 22.06±0.88abB 55.39±0.02abA 53.20±1.14abB 49.88±3.81aB 46.14±1.71aC 7.11±1.25bB 8.39±1.27bA 9.31±1.38bA 11.23±1.52bC
    8 7.15±0.01aA 6.74±0.01cC 6.72±0.01cB 6.78±0.04cB 39.45±3.90bA 30.47±0.42bC 28.02±0.66bB 24.67±0.65cB 60.45±0.76abA 57.47±2.69abB 55.46±4.67aB 53.68±2.52aC 6.31±1.47aC 8.06±1.21cA 9.28±1.14aA 10.57±1.51aB
    10 7.27±0.04cA 6.62±0.01bC 6.69±0.01bB 6.63±0.02bB 45.10±2.82aA 38.16±0.60aC 31.92±1.05aB 26.71±1.80aB 67.88±2.43bA 59.13±2.02bB 57.91±4.85cB 55.59±1.82aC 5.22±1.06cC 7.31±1.22aB 7.47±1.25cB 9.42±1.03cA
    12 7.39±0.022cA 6.62±0.01cC 6.66±0.04cB 6.67±0.00cB 49.44±4.42aB 45.40±2.04aA 37.87±6.32aC 28.12±0.61aC 70.29±5.62bA 61.72±1.22bB 61.41±2.29aB 59.48±2.31aB 5.04±1.43aC 6.25±1.61cB 7.28±1.07aB 9.09±1.24aA
    Note:(1) Values and standard deviations from three replicates are presented.
    (2) Different small letters (a, b, c) in same row are significantly different (P < 0.05).
    (3) Different capital letters (A, B, C) in same column are significantly different (P < 0.05).
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    Table  3.   Correlation analyses between Δ E, pH value, TVB-N and TVC of different groups

    Group Correlations WHC ΔE pHvalue TVB-N
    CK ΔE 0.117
    pH 0.364 0.132
    TVB-N -0.249 -0.555** -0.565**
    TVC -0.133 -0.452* 0.884**
    HPP10 ΔE -0.090
    pH 0.083 -0.686**
    TVB-N 0.025 0.799** -0.663**
    TVC -0.097 -0.534* -0.931** 0.768**
    HPP20 ΔE -0.271
    pH 0.014 -0.717**
    TVB-N 0.017 0.765** -0.928**
    TVC 0.054 -0.555* -0.933** 0.980**
    HPP30 ΔE 0.521* -0.575**
    pH 0.330 0.582**
    TVB-N -0.245 -0.494* -0.891**
    TVC -0.038 -0.422 -0.869** 0.839**
    Notes:(1)** means the correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
    (2)* means the correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
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