Influence of Hole Size of Semi-Armor-Piercing Warhead on Ship's Cabin Implosion Effect
摘要: 研究了半穿甲战斗部所造成的舱壁破孔结构对小型舰船舱室内爆效应的影响,采用LS-DYNA有限元软件对小型舰船舱室的内爆试验进行数值模拟分析,采用合理的材料本构关系与状态方程以及材料和结构连接处的失效准则,通过与等比例试验中舱内冲击波超压峰值进行对比,验证了模型的有效性。通过建立不同尺寸弹孔,分析弹孔尺寸对舱室内爆效应的影响。结果表明:破孔结构导致舱室内爆时冲击波超压峰值下降,冲击波超压峰值的出现时间延后;当弹孔直径小于舱壁长度的1/10时,导弹穿孔对舱室内爆效应所造成的影响可忽略。Abstract: In this study, the influence of bulkhead perforation structure caused by half armor piercing warhead on the cabin burst effect is studied.LS-DYNA finite element software is used to simulate the internal explosion test of the small ship cabin with the help of reasonable material constitutive relation, equation of state, and the failure criterion at the connection between the material and the structure.The effectiveness of the model is verified by comparing the calculated peak value of shock wave in cabin with corresponding experimental data.By establishing different sizes of bullet holes, the influence of bullet hole size on cabin explosion effect is analyzed.It is concluded that peak value of shock wave overpressure decreases and the peak time of shock wave overpressure is delayed.When the diameter of the bullet hole is less than 1/10 of the bulkhead, the impact of the missile on the chamber explosion effect is negligible.
Key words:
- cabin implosion /
- semi-armor-piercing warhead /
- hole structure
表 1 测试点超压峰值对比
Table 1. Comparison of experimental and calculated peak overpressure at different test points
Test point Distance from explosive source/m Test of overpressure peak/MPa Calculation of overpressure peak/MPa Calculation error/% 1-1 1.50 1.72 1.23 28.4 1-2 1.63 1.56 1.35 13.4 1-3 1.95 4.03 3.78 6.2 1-4 2.09 5.24 4.31 17.7 1-5 2.46 7.78 7.58 2.6 1-6 2.21 3.37 3.45 2.4 1-7 2.12 3.65 3.42 5.5 1-8 1.68 0.65 0.88 26.1 表 2 常见半穿甲反舰导弹基本参数
Table 2. Basic parameters of a common semi armor piercing anti-ship missile
Warhead name Warhead weight/kg Impact velocity/Ma Warhead diameter/mm Tomahawk 454 0.72 530 Exocet 165 0.93 350 Otomat 210 0.90 400 C101 300 2.00 400 HY-2G 500 0.90 540 Cormorants I 220 0.90 300 AGM-84 230 0.75 340 -
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