Influence of Metal Interlayer on Detonation Wave-Shape and Driving Characteristics of Designated Inner/Outer Composite Charge
摘要: 根据同轴双元组合装药的实际应用工况,制备了两种组分及尺寸均相同的装药试样,其中一种试样的内、外层装药间设有薄壁铝隔层。采用脉冲X射线摄影法观测了铝隔层在装药爆轰过程中的膨胀轨迹,并通过高速扫描法及圆筒试验分别对比了两种装药爆轰波形及驱动性能的差异。结果表明:由于铝的冲击阻抗与炸药爆轰阻抗较为接近,因此冲击波穿越铝隔层时未产生较强的反射效应,从而未明显改变组合装药的爆轰波形;而在爆轰产物的膨胀过程中,当其相对比容小于3.0时,铝隔层可将内、外层装药的爆轰产物有效隔离,但并未降低整体装药的驱动性能,两种试样的圆筒比动能之比逐步趋近于有效装药的质量比。Abstract: Two charge samples of same composite and shape, but one with and the other without an aluminum interlayer, were prepared following the designated inner/outer composite charge. The expansion process of the aluminum interlayer was determined by X-ray technology, and the difference in the driving capability between the two charges were compared using the high speed scanning and the cylinder test. The results show that the detonation wave does not change obviously due to the similar impedance. The detonation products of the inner and outer charges can be divided by the interlayer when the relative specific volume is below 3.0. However, the driving ability is not affected and the ratio of the specific kinetic energy of the two charges is gradually close to the ratio of the two effective charging masses.
Key words:
- composite charge /
- metal interlayer /
- detonation wave-shape /
- cylinder test /
- driving capability /
- X-ray photography
表 1 炸药配方及参数
Table 1. Formulation and parameters of explosives
Explosive Mass fraction ρ/(g·cm–3) DCJ/(km·s–1) Q/(kJ·g–1) DOL 30∶60∶5∶5 (DNTF∶HMX∶Al∶binder) 1.84 8.65 6.56 DRLU 15∶35∶20∶30 (DNAN∶RDX∶AP∶Al) 1.88 6.84 8.19 表 2 圆筒壁膨胀位移曲线拟合参数
Table 2. Curve-fitting parameters of the expansion displacement of cylinder wall
Sample D*/(km·s–1) a1/(km·s–1) b1/μs–1 a2/(km·s–1) b2/μs–1 t0/μs A 8.610 1.211 04 0.110 96 0.506 19 0.382 02 1.628 99 B 8.624 1.119 78 0.111 27 0.570 49 0.421 29 1.441 05 -
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