Experimental Research on Armor Penetration Aftereffect Produced by Depleted Uranium Alloys Liner Shaped Charge
摘要: 为研究贫铀合金应用于聚能药型罩的破甲后效特性,基于贫铀-铌合金药型罩,开展了聚能弹破甲后效实验。实验结果表明,贫铀合金药型罩形成的射流在穿透钢棒后,能形成一个高温、高速且具有一定发散能力的燃烧颗粒束,具有较强的纵火能力。贫铀合金药型罩形成的射流在穿透密闭装甲目标后,目标内部压力无明显变化,正对射流方向位置在0.2 s内产生了约15℃的温升,最终靶箱整体温度升高2.5℃。Abstract: In order to investigate the armor penetration aftereffect of depleted uranium alloys liner, a series of aftereffect experiments are conducted using depleted uranium-Ni alloys liner.The results show that, a high-speed and high-temperature flaming grain bundle is formed after depleted uranium alloys jet penetrating the steel stick, and the fire ball has great incendiary power.Pressure of the inside space barely change after depleted uranium alloys jet penetrating the closed armor target, but the temperature of the location towards shaped charge jet has increased 15℃ in 0.2 s, and the whole temperature of the armor target has increased 2.5℃ eventually.
Key words:
- depleted uranium alloys /
- armor penetration /
- incendiary power /
- aftereffect
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