Numerical Simulation of Rock Tension-Compression Fracture Caused by Impact Load during Slope Casting Blast
摘要: 为了获得边坡台阶爆破时岩体在冲击载荷作用下破碎和抛掷过程中各物理参量的变化规律,将构建的岩体动态拉-压损伤本构关系嵌入模拟软件进行数值分析。结果表明:振动波三轴合成速率曲线与质点振动位移曲线的变化趋势所对应的时间节点和步长基本吻合,可作为降振减灾的判定指标;岩体最早于0.6 ms左右从坡脚位置产生裂纹,直至12.5 ms左右裂纹裂隙完成扩展,所形成的炮孔粉碎区半径约28 cm;抛掷块状分离现象从炮孔药包的中间部位开始,最大抛掷速度集中于该部位至边坡自由面之间的垂直区域内,边坡自由面抛掷速度小于炮孔周围岩块抛掷速度,导致抛掷过程中形成二次挤压破碎现象;破碎大块主要来源于边坡坡脚、炸药与堵塞物接触面两侧围岩以及台阶顶部自由面处,大块块体直径分布于1.6~2.7 m范围。Abstract: In order to study the change law of physical parameters in the process of rock fracturing and throwing during slope bench blasting, the equation of rock damage under dynamic tension-compression effect was established and applied to numerical analysis. The results showed that the tendency of time node and step size in simulation was basically identical with the triaxial synthetic rate curve of vibration wave and particle vibration displacement, which can be used as a criterion for reducing vibration and decreasing disaster. Cracks were formed in the foot of slope at about 0.6 ms and completely extended at about 12.5 ms. The pulverizing area radius around the blast hole was 28 cm. The rock separation phenomenon was preliminarily observed at the middle part of the blast hole. The maximum throwing velocity was distributed in the vertical region between this part and the free surface of the slope. The throwing velocity at the free surface was less than that of the rocks around the blast hole, which results in the secondary crushing phenomenon during the throwing process. The large bulk rocks were mainly produced in the toe of slope, the surrounding rock on both sides of the contact surface between explosive and plug, and the free-surface at the top of the step. The range of large rock diameter in the process of blasting was 1.6–2.7 m.
Key words:
- impact load /
- tension-compression fracture /
- damage coupling /
- casting blast
表 1 岩石主要物理力学参数
Table 1. Physical and mechanical parameters of rock
$\rho $/(g·cm–3) E/GPa $\nu$ ${\sigma _0}$/MPa $\beta $ G/GPa K/GPa ${K_{{\rm{IC}}}}$/(105 N·m-3/2) 2.7 18.23 0.23 102 1.0 7.41 11.25 5.32 表 2 炸药主要参数
Table 2. Parameters of explosive
$\rho $/(g∙cm-3) p/GPa A/GPa B/GPa ${R_1}$ ${R_2}$ $\omega $ E0/GPa ${V_0}$ 1.2 27 52.1 0.182 4.2 0.9 1.1 4.192 1.0 -
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