Deformation of Plates with Pre-formed Holes under Internal Blast Loading in Cabin Model
摘要: 为研究舱室模型内爆炸载荷下预制孔板的动态响应,实验验证舱室模型内偏置孔板和均匀孔板的变形规律,并与无孔板的变形规律对比,同时建立了一种模拟舱室的仿真模型,进行内爆炸载荷下的数值计算,分析典型测点内爆炸冲击波的分布,研究预制孔板的挠度变形规律。结果表明:预制孔板的局部强度减弱对挠度变形的增益大于泄爆效应的影响,内爆冲击波在舱室模型内部存在反射和汇聚现象,并在毫秒量级后期存在准静态特性,模拟结果与实验结果一致,同时预制孔板不同区域减薄率存在差异。研究结果可以为舱内爆炸冲击波-破片耦合损伤作用的机理分析提供依据。Abstract: In order to investigate the dynamic response of plates with preformed holes under internal blast load in the cabin model, the deformations of the plates with offset preformed holes and the plates with uniform preformed holes in the cabin model were experimentally investigated.The results are also compared with that of the plates with non-preformed holes.The numerical calculation of the internal blast load was carried out by using established simulation model of cabin.The distribution of internal blast shock waves at typical gauge points was analyzed and the deformation rules of plates with preformed holes were studied as well.The research results indicate that the effect of gain of deflection deformation obtained from decreasing local strength due to the preformed holes is greater than that of the blast venting.The shock wave exhibits the reflection and convergence phenomena inside the cabin model and a quasi-static feature during the late stage of milliseconds.The simulation results are consistent with the experimental ones.At the same time, there are differences between the thinning rates in different areas of the plates with preformed holes.The current research can provide reference for the analysis of the mechanism of coupling damage between shock wave and fragments in the cabin.
表 1 实验最大变形挠度
Table 1. Experimental maximum deformation deflection
Target plate Maximum deformation deflection/mm Measured value Deviation Correction value 1-1 85.6 -2.1 83.5 1-2 86.5 -2.1 84.4 2-1 88.8 -2.1 86.7 2-2 92.2 -4.5 87.7 3-1 101.5 -10.3 91.2 3-2 109.8 -15.8 94.0 表 2 减薄率统计
Table 2. Thinning rate statistics
Target plate Target plate actual thickness/mm Mid point thickness/mm The average of Mid area/mm The average of edge area/mm 1-1 1.76 1.37 1.56 1.62 1-2 1.83 1.37 1.68 1.75 3-1 1.84 1.50 1.56 1.68 3-2 1.77 1.31 1.56 1.68 Target plate Target plate actual thickness/ mm Mid point thickness/ mm The average of Mid area 1/mm The average of Mid area 2/mm The average of edge area 1/mm The average of edge area 2/mm 2-1 1.82 1.43 1.56 1.56 1.72 1.56 2-2 1.81 1.56 1.62 1.56 1.81 1.62 表 3 Q235钢参数
Table 3. Parameters of Q235 steel
ρ/(kg·m-3) EOS Bulk modulus/ GPa Ref.temperature/K Specific heat/ (J·kg-1·K-1) 7 830 Linear 175 293 477 表 4 Cowper-Symonds强度模型部分参数
Table 4. Some parameters of Cowper-Symonds strength model
Shear modulus/GPa Yield stress/MPa n D/s-1 q 80 235 0 40 5 表 5 测点冲量对比
Table 5. Impulse comparison between gauge points
Gauge Total impulse/(Pa·s) in 1 ms in 2 ms in 6 ms 1 996.10 1 787.58 5 143.99 2 921.76 1 707.36 5 052.09 3 742.53 1 500.95 4 719.41 表 6 挠度对比与误差
Table 6. Deflection comparison and deviation
Target plate Maximum deflection/mm deviation/% Exp. Sim. Non preformed hole plate 83.95 72.05 -14.18 Offset preformed holes plate 87.20 74.69 -14.35 Uniform preformed holes plate 92.60 79.16 -14.51 -
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