Dynamical Fragmentation of Steel Cylinders Subjected to Internal Explosive Detonations
摘要: 针对高应变率条件下金属壳体破碎性问题,通过内爆加载试验研究了不同装药条件对圆柱钢壳破碎性能的影响规律,探索了一种新的适用于圆柱壳体的破碎性评估准则。实验结果表明:对于不同的给定材料与炸药组合,壳体的单位长度修正Payman破碎参数Cu和装药与壳体质量比值(C/M值)之间均存在线性关系;端部效应会使壳体破碎参数降低一固定值;壳体壁厚和无装药部分长度等因素对Cu值影响较小,且壳体无装药部分的破碎性较差,只与壳体材料有关。
- 柱壳 /
- Payman破碎参数 /
- 装药与壳体质量比 /
- 端部效应
Abstract: Explosively driven fragmentation of material is a highly complex phenomenon.In this study, we evaluated the influence of explosive on the intrinsic fragmentation characteristics using hollow cylindrical steel shells, and investigated a new universal assessment criteria for the fragmentation of cylindrical shells.The results show that there is a linear relationship between the normalized Payman fragmentation parameter Cu of the shell and the charge/mass ratio C/M, for various combinations of shell material and explosive.The fragmentation parameter Cu of columnar part decreases by a constant value for the presence of end effect, while other factors including the shell thickness and the length of charge vacancy, have little effect on the fragmentation parameter Cu.The fragmentation performance of shell with no charge is relatively low and is only determined by shell material properties.-
Key words:
- cylinder /
- Payman fragmentation parameter /
- charge/mass ratio /
- end effect
表 1 壳体尺寸及装药条件
Table 1. Dimensions of shell and charge
No. D/mm d/mm L/mm C/M 1 30.64 20.64 70 0.18 2 41.99 30.13 70 0.23 3 40.13 30.13 70 0.28 4 50.87 39.52 70 0.33 5 49.52 39.52 70 0.38 表 2 考虑端部效应的壳体尺寸及装药条件
Table 2. Dimensions of shell with end effect and charge
No. D/mm d/mm L/mm t/mm C/M 1 30.64 20.64 60 5 0.18 2 40.13 30.13 60 5 0.28 3 49.52 39.52 60 5 0.38 4 58.84 48.84 60 5 0.48 5 32.11 24.11 60 4 0.28 6 48.16 36.16 60 6 0.28 7 56.19 42.19 60 7 0.28 表 3 考虑无装药部分的壳体尺寸及装药条件
Table 3. Dimensions of shell with charge vacancy and charge
No. D/mm d/mm L/mm L′/mm t/mm C/M 1 30.64 20.64 60 30 5 0.18 40.13 30.13 60 30 5 0.28 49.52 39.52 60 30 5 0.38 58.84 48.84 60 30 5 0.48 2 40.13 30.13 60 10 5 0.28 40.13 30.13 60 20 5 0.28 40.13 30.13 60 30 5 0.28 40.13 30.13 60 40 5 0.28 3 32.11 24.11 60 30 4 0.28 40.13 30.13 60 30 5 0.28 48.16 36.16 60 30 6 0.28 56.19 42.19 60 30 7 0.28 -
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